The 2nd day of Tokyo performance. Even in rehearsal, he is serious!! ZIKZIN today as always!!!!
The 2nd day of the show finished~♪
Thank you so much!!^^
Did you have fun, didn’t you?! kkk
o my poor boy …thank you so much
Tired but happy!
gomawo ^^ oppa i have fun you’re the best to me ever hope you see this message ^^
take care oppa and i hope you came to algeria there are to much fans waiting you please oppa just see my message
Oh my Sukkie looks tired but still handsome as always. He looks like a different person with his new haircut. I had to take a second look. Zikzin!!!
I never ever thought that I would become a fan of an artist. That up to see the JKS . Besides that impresses me with his talent and his involvement , I have come to enjoy and I sincerely grieved for him.
I look forward to each a new episode of Beautiful Man but I don’t imagine that is so dedicated to his fans that has the power to hold concerts away from home. Maybe now I think as a mother but he seems very tired and seems sad smile .
I know that he can’t read everything that is written for him but I want to tell him that he he proved everything I had to prove to those who had eyes to see , ears to hear and mind to comprehend . Who judge him after he hears from others, sees through the eyes of others and judge him by the minds of others , that is wrong . JKS has not done anything wrong , maybe just the fact that he loves everyone around him but he is very ruthless with himself.
Dear young man. You can be your best friend, but also you can be your biggest enemy of yourself. My advice that I always give to my son is trying to be your best friend. Besides the hard work that you do, try to enjoy the quiet moments. And you should not try to go over your limits too much. You have your whole life ahead and so many people who think of you,love you, support you and pray for you.I wish you well with all due respect for what you do.
Only good thoughts for all.
Dear Adriana,
Really wonderful write up and thoughts from you. I never thought i could be fan for artist too in my life but Jang keun Suk proof me wrong. I respect his dedication and motto in life and he inspire me daily to move forward and never afraid to take up challenge.
Adriana, you did it again, writing so beautiful comments. There is nothing better for a STAR than loyal support and well wishes from the sincere heart from fans.
Jang Keun Suk is such a special STAR that once people get to know him, people would admire him talents and hard-works, and understand what he has been through with his UPs and Downs career.
Most of all, his fans come to love him, just the way he is, imperfection and all. Fans give him strength and energy to go on fighting by giving materials support, verbal supports, gifts and all, without asking any thing in return…..just simply giving by love..!!!!
I would dare to say that the relationship Jang Keun Suk has with his fans are beyond fans’ devotions or obsessions to a STAR. JKS has strong bond with his fans like friends and family because many fans think of him as friend, little brother, big brother, or even a good distance son.
Adriana, don’t worry. Your beloved Jang Keun Suk knows everything well ^^ His thoughts and story shared in the 2nd day of Zepp Tokyo will be shared in my FA later. That will relieve you for sure. Please wait for a while.
Thank you for your words. Here is the first and only place I publicly expressed thoughts. At first, when I wanted to know more about JKS gave Google search and found this place I met more than “JKS love you” or “You look great JKS” … I met beautiful thoughts full of love and appreciation for the work and talent of a young man. Thanks again and will send all good thoughts only.
Really love your comments for this son of Koreans who is very much loved by international eels.
He looks good at any angle. I am also thrilled to learn that he will be holding many concerts in 2014 too. Can’t wait to join !
I will always support JKS and agree with Adriana….:)
He has to be himself and do not care to much what other think cause thing we do can`t get all people likes us!!!
I will always pray for you JKS!GOOD LUCK:)
I bet everybody had daebak fun with him at the concert! i hope it would give him another shot of spirit to end his year in a great way ;). Keun Suk hwaiting! and thanks blue eels! i’ll be joining you guys some time next year in one of his shows in Japan! can’t wait to read sis Kaori (tenshi)’s beautifully written FA about this Zepp concert
“i’ll be joining you guys some time next year in one of his shows in Japan”
Really? Awesome! Cool. Hand down.
couldnt say more
JKS if you read this, don’t be too hard on yourself. Behind the clouds the sun is still shining. Don’t be discouraged. You have immense talent. Use it well for the good.
Take a break after Bel Ami and visit Nelson, New Zealand with your parents. just the 3 of you and you’ll find that the roses are blooming outside of Korean dramas and limelight.
오늘은 가득 고맙다 (#^.^#)즐거웠다(#^.^#)행복해요(#^.^#)정말 고맙다 (#^.^#)