[2020-07-06] CRI-J Twitter

[2020 Sharing Photo Exhibition Tickets Application]
Google form link for the ticket application: https://t.co/p0iIOP19GP?amp=1
(Up to 10 tickets for each)
You can apply once using one of the Google form shared by Twitter, official fan cafe, and official website.
< There are a lot of eels who want to donate without buying the tickets, so we're going to open the donation account on July 20th. Please wait for a while. Thank you. >

[2020나눔 사진전 티켓 신청]
티켓 신청 구글폼 링크: https://forms.gle/mpAt1ajP9FSB7iaK9
트위터와 공식팬카페, 공식홈페이지의 구글폼은 중 한곳에서만 신청 가능합니다.
<티켓을 구매하지않고 기부를 원하시는 장어님들이 많아 7.20에 기부금 통장을 오픈 할 예정이오니 조금만 기다려주세요>

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