[2018-09-03] team_h_official Instagram

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[News] TEAM H, display of their costumes wearing in their latest MV at TOWER RECORDS SHIBUYA & hashtag campaign

UPDATE: you can see photos eels tweets or posted on Instagram from here.

Original source: https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20180831-00000009-exmusic-musi
Original source: https://www.universal-music.co.jp/teamh/news/2018-08-31/
TEAM H, dance music unit formed by Jang Keun Suk and sound producer BIG BROTHER, is going to release their 5th album ‘Mature’ on September 5th (Wed). In commemoration of the release, their costumes wearing in MV ‘Summer Time (Japanese Version)’ will be displayed at TOWER RECORDS SHIBUYA from September 4th (Tue), for a limited period.

In addition, hashtag campaign to get the costumes wearing in MV starts from September 3th (Mon). Please check the details at their special website and join the event.

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