[fan-made MV] A Day In the Life of Eels

UPDATE: added the dailymotion link

It’s just amazing fan-made MV!! šŸ˜€ I’ve never seen this kind of video before. So toughed with the idea and the output seeing it. I was too shy and too busy to participate this great project this time, but I can see myself in the video as if I was there. Reading Lubna’s comment, I can’t help but agree with her original thought. Yes, she’s totally right. We eels spend similar time thinking our beloved Jang Keun Suk. This video is very meaningful for eels all over the world to feel we’re the same, we’re one. Even I haven’t met many of my eel friends in person yet, but I’m sure we’ve built a tight friendship through exchanging our thoughts through the internet. I can’t find any good words to describe what I feel npw… I can just say I’m so happy to know these great eel friends!!

dailymotion link

The planner’s comment: Lubna Almomani from Jordan

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[fan-art] Eve Yap’s version ‘Little Prince’

Credits: Eve Yap from ECI

Eve’s comment:
Been wanting to do a chibi of Suk … but instead its more like trying to visualize him in child mode .. its pretty interesting and challenging as not to make it look like a caricature instead . Hope u gals like it .. my ‘Little prince’.
tenshi_akuma’s note: Many of you here have already known our talented eel friend, Eve Yap. She can draw various kind of Suk and this is her latest one. I like this little prince Suk so much. If you’re interested in her other works, Please click this link.

[Fan’s Work] “Light Of the Moon” a Song Written by an Eel Which Stands for All Jang Keun Suk’s Fans Cross the World

Credit: Audrey Reyes from ECI (the song writer and music composer)

Our talented ECI member Audrey Reyes from Philippine wrote this beautiful song for all eels who travel to see our superstar Jang Keun Suk. She composed the music and also wrote the lyrics. It is a very beautiful song and it does tell the feeling who eels wants to meet Jang Keun Suk no matter where they are. Please enjoy!
(click the link to listen the song) Light of the Moon

This is the thought behind the song when Audrey was making it. It speaks the words from the hearts of us all. ā€œLove is the one thing that transcends time and space.ā€ I’ve always believed so. Without words and without one’s physical presence, love is still felt clearly. This is what I wanted to express through my song. Eels’ love for you is like this. When there are hard times, I hope you’ll always be reminded that love exists everywhere.”

The lyrics of the song:

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[article] Interview of Talented Eel Eve Yap About Her LINE Sticker Design “Let’s meet Miss Eel”

Eve Yap, a member of ECI, is an eel from Malaysia. She is a talented artist and the designer of popular LINE Sticker “Let’s meet Miss Eel”. She has several of JKS related art works. Her drawing has been chosen for JKS Birthday Photo Exhibition in Seoul. Here is her local media’s interview to her. We are happy her work gets such honour recognition. Congratulations Eve!
She is not only talented but also pretty, she is the one in the first picture wearing red. The highlighted are the words from Eve. Enjoy reading.

Original Source: http://rage.com.my/line-up-for-recognition/
LINE up for recognition
by R.AGE / Filed under Editorial, Features. / Tagged cheechingy, Eve Yap, LINE Creators Market, LINE Malaysia, Patricia Yeoh, stickers.


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