[ENG-SUB] JKS Documentary on KBS2_20120101

Chinese translation: MOMO / JKSandYou forum
English subs: Aphrael77

Part 1

For Parts 2 to 4,

Youtube part 2, part 3 and part 4

Truly a documentary of JKS’ work and life, and the amount of hours and effort he puts into his work shows that his success is well deserved. As most eels have said, it’s also a heartbreaking documentary. Not only where he had a throat injection and IV drip, but when he lay on the bed and still insisted that it was not painful at all … In addition, it is the first time that I hear JKS talking about his childhood actor days in quite a bitter tone; no wonder he said in a 2011 interview that he’s also keen on setting up laws to protect the interests of childhood actors in Korea.

p.s. please allow some buffer downloading time at the beginning of the video (took a min or so for me). And hope you enjoy the video that took me 12 consecutive hours to sub!

59 thoughts on “[ENG-SUB] JKS Documentary on KBS2_20120101”

  1. wow, Aphrael, you’re great. Thank you so much for time and hard work to make English sub, I just watched Chinese sub and I was thinking that I hope the English sub would get out soon so all the eels can watch this documentary and learn something that we had never known before about Sukkie. I just did post on Eel’s club to share some thoughts and same thing the most touching and heart wrenching was to hear he talked about his childhood and also understand why he wants his school life to be only 100% time for himself. I was in tears when he was laying down to take a rest between the classes break, that he didn’t leave the campus that even there were ppl or things were waiting for him there, he wanted that time is only his, no one else. One thing is that he is a person he takes responsibilities when he was a young child. Then that’s his life, one after another. But you know, luckily he didn’t turn to our lonely strange soul like Michael Jackson, he has his loving family and they do really care for him. I was so glad to see he talked to his grandmother backstage before the show. Just like a normal family. Even in Korea they only 8% rating which I was not surprised at all because there were tons of entertaining programs on TV at holiday season. I do hope those 8% who watched will take efforts to promote JKS in his own country to tell people what a amazing young man he is. He can be the social model for lots of other young people, his talent, his hard work, his dream, his charity works all can inspire the others. In my eyes he is a perfect Korean Idol.

  2. Wow Aphrael, you’re simply superb!! I knew the minute they posted the Chinese subs, you’ll be pounding away on yr keyboard. But 12 hours!!! That’s no easy feat! We can never thank you enough to repay you!

    I have not yet watched the documentary so I will reserve my comments till then…..

  3. aphrael, thank you thank you for your devoted love. I haven’t watched yet, but later I will watch it with my mom. Thank you again in advance. Take a good rest!

  4. Wow! you’re really great, aphrael. thank you so much for your hard work. ‘wish you the best of health. i will watch this asap 🙂

  5. thanks for subbing. i watched it the unsubbed one but didn’t really understand what he was trying to say….happy new year!

  6. Thank you Aphrael! My heart is in pain as well as in bliss after watching this.. Like what @SukkiefanNCUSA said.. Hope that whoever watched this would appreciate him more. I saw a bit of Michael Jackson in him too, especially when he talked about his childhood.. and yes he has made me cry a thousand times because of his documentary. I love him more now after seeing this.. more than I’ve ever loved him before. And when I go to Seoul in April, I just wish I would have the opportunity to meet him even for just a moment.. just to say how grateful I am knowing him and how I wish that he was the brother I never had. :((

    World Prince Jang Keun Suk hwaiting! ♥♥♥

  7. Aphrael, THANK YOU for your dedication and hard work in the translation – 12 hours….WOW!! like what Farina says, we can never say THANK YOU enough. I have personally done little translation here and there and i know it is really not easy, so really appreciate!!!

    I want to also take this opportunity to THANK the many eels out there who did various translations – be it Korean-Chinese, Japanese-Chinese etc etc, whatever the variations!! Thank YOU for your dedication and hard work and it coz of YOU, eels around the WORLD gets updated news of JKS quickly 🙂

  8. apharel thank you very much, thank you for your hardwork in translation.
    don’t forget to take a rest (^^)
    *smooocccchhhh :*

  9. Thanks so much Aprhrael for eng-sub. You’re an amazing and super great Eel. I was touched by this documentary while watching without English Sub. …. Now I’m touched 100th forth more with English sub…..to the point I cried with the car interview clip talking about his childhood or lack there off experiences. My tears were falling hard again at the Satima after show-ended scene when he leaned against the wall due to exhaustion or drained of energy after big show ended.

    Sukkie is TRULY a special artist…. so special that I could not describe him or express my feelings for him in words. Just simply Love Love him!!!! Sukkkie worked and pushed himself so hard to become the BEST. Sukkie truly deserves his frame and Prince status in the entertainment world. Nothing in life comes for free and easy for him that why he is always grounded. He always has self-awareness and knows that popularity can come and go at any giving moment. He had tried his best and produced a special and memorable shows and works in general so that his fans can carry the special “bond” and experiences being associated with him through out the rest of their lives. I am so proud to be one of his beloved eels.

    Sukkie, you are our true Prince. Eels will love and support you forever!!!

  10. a million times thanks to you for subbing JKS Documentary… i didn’t watch this yet but just reading all eels comments i’m already in tears… i keep on falling in love with this wonderful guy and always touches my heart.. i believe that God is good that all his desires will come true in Gods’ time because i can feel his sincere heart… LOVE YOU SO MUCH JANG KEUN SUK and don’t worry you have a great eels around the word who loves you truly…

  11. Many thanks.. I’ve been waiting for the subtitle of this.. Just finished watching it (again) and can’t help but to cry with him.. Thanks again.. What a fantastic gift to start the year.. =)

  12. 12 hours! Wow, you are superb.

    I watched the Chinese sub first and i am glad now more fans will be able to understand him better through this English sub documentary. And i agree, this is the first time, i see him talking about his childhood in such a bitter tone. I feel so sad for him that he cannot enjoy his childhood like a normal kid, missing out all the fun things. It is no wonder he feels so happy going to Hanyang University.

    I was also feel very upset when he said he had no friends in school, had no memory of school times and has to pretend a lot so that he won’t get scolded. This reminds me of his random sms to Lee Minho and wanting to be friends with Lee Seung gi. I think he really wants to have friends of his own age.

    This reminds me of MJ song ” Childhood “. it is sad that child actor in Korea are not protected and they have to sacrifice a lot.

  13. Hi Aphrael77,

    Thanks for the sub. The eels asked me to do ENG SUB for this. I’m on my 532 lines (and puking blood too) , thank goodness that you’ve posted this up. Really appreciate your effort.

    Next time, let’s delegate, you do translation for video A and I’ll do translation for video B, then both of us can live longer for a bit. LOL~

    Suki Heather

    • Hi Suki Heather,

      this is very good news for me! like u said, we can live longer if we share work 🙂

      if you can translate JP/KR to ENG, then your JP/KR language must be quite good!
      will send u an email to the email address u input here ^^

      • I’m not only touched by Sukkie’s story but also the dedication by our eel sisters from different countries.. Aphrael, Kaori-chan, Heather…your great effort spent on the translation is greatly appreciated by many of us.. THANKS!!! Please take care of your health too ^_^

  14. OMG. @Mindy, you’re so right about the time where he texted LMH and saying he wanted to be friends with LSG. Aww. Poor Sukkie :/

  15. Hi girls,

    How do I join you guys? At this moment, I’m one person doing translation here for JKS’s JP/KR -> ENG videos. I’m so exhausted. Our prince has so many news every other day. I hope to join you guys so that we can delegate and share the translation tasks.

    Suki Heather

    • What a great news that you join us. I think if you want to be the blog contributor, you need to talk to the owner Aphrael. As us, we just come to visit here EVERYDAY, hahaha and share our thoughts, laughs and sores.

      I know how exhausted you would be since Prince J keep us busy seems every minute. Even I’m not a translator, I feel I have gear up my energy for all his news, interviews, works, shows etc..

      This is a fantastic international group of eels. Is a union of Sukkie. We love each other, we support each other, we respect each other’s different culture background. You will love it.

      Welcome, Heather!

    • This is fantastic news!!!! A collaboration of international fans!!!! I was just voicing out my hope yesterday what if one day all individual fansites come together under one roof; and to see this post today feels like a dream come true!!!


      PS: Aphrael, love this new format!! 🙂

  16. Thank you very much, Aphrael. This is the best documentary for new year. The revelation by Sukkie on his childhood acting experience saddens me. Children should be loved and corrected for mistakes in the most gentle way because they have feelings, too. Sometimes adults just think of the commercial gain and forget about the soft skills that they are supposed to demonstrate. After going through all, it is proven that Sukkie has the intelligence, tenacity and perseverance that makes him the Star and Prince. Just forget the past, and focus on the future with a clear mind.

  17. thank you very much Aphrael for your dedication and please don’t 4get to take a break dear=)..
    I will save it for tonight because I want to watch it w/out interruption.. sigh!! I commented on ECI w/out watching the whole documentary c’oz I feel for him..But nevertheless,Prince “You’ve got a Friend” World Wide,,always remember that..^_^

  18. thanks a lot aphrael…*hug.. i can’t say anything but thanks, and grateful…

    12 consecutive hours….wow…. re-sync timing is the most difficult.. i now how hard it is..
    i’ve done it before, it took 2 hours to insert subtitle & timing for 4 minutes MV. And took 1 hour to translate 10 minutes duration and QC the result.

    this documentary is the best ever! it must be translated to 12 languages, so the more people will know Suk and he become world prince faster… i could volunteer to make indonesian sub, but i need a team. i won’t do it alone. without a team, 12 hours consecutive hours, i gave up…

    • u must be better at translating than I am! I took 10 hours to translate and 2 hours for the technical subbing part 🙂

      • I guess alot of eels had already expressed alot of our gratitudesss to u… thanks alot for ur time and effort… in order to let us understand JKS video better… hahha i tink at the most i can only help to translate some Chinese articles… rather ashamed on that… But i believed ur works had been recognised internationally 😉 You might become a ‘World Eel’ someday hahhaha along with ‘World Prince’ … Anyway, may the new year bless all with good HEALTH and DREAMS FULFILED!~ hugs

  19. Thanks aphrael! You are the best! 🙂 I’ve already watched the nonsub version for four times since I was curious with his expression. Thanks aphrael.

  20. @aphrael and suki heather: my deepest gratitude to you!!! so proud of your effort and dedication in sharing translated videos of our prince..thanks so much. as in!

  21. I’m not only touched by Sukkie’s story but also the dedication by our eel sisters from different countries.. Aphrael, Kaori-chan, Heather (welcome to Aphrael’s blog!)…your great effort spent on the translation is greatly appreciated by many of us.. THANKS!!! Please take care of your health too ^_^

  22. Sis aphrael thank you so much for your hard wok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! stil havent watched though…!!! <3 LOVE YOUR HARD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Hi there …. Happy new year to all and to jang geun suk!!!! Tokyo dome concert was really awesome and WOW!!! It was really fantastic…. A big congratulations to your group…. Aprhael…. A big thanks for your hardwork!!! Its been a year now following this website from time to time… Hope you will continue and we will surely be on your side… More power…. :-). To our dear jang geun suk, we will always be here for you…. No matter what, dont be scared of what the future will bring…. You are a great artist!!! I salute!!!! God bless your career this year , more power and may god continue to bless you and your mom and dad with good health!!! Congratulations for all your success!!!

  24. Aphrael! Even though it’s enjoyable task to translate the texts which r in ur interest/favor, working 12 hrs non-stop isn’t easy and requires lots of physical as well as mental strength! Love and appreciate ur dedication & hardworking quality! Thank u so much! I wish i could help u! Unfortunately i can’t speak any chinese, japanese or korean….*sigh*

  25. Thank you so much, aphrael, but I hope you take care of your health too! We are more than willing to wait for you to finish subbing at your own pace 🙂

  26. Aphrael, as always, we can never thank you enough for all your efforts. Do take care of yourself dear. *hugs*

    Haven’t watched the documentary yet though, I’m still steeling myself for what I will see. *sigh*

  27. Finally watched the documentary, I must say it is an eye opener for those who are doubting in JKS’ abilities. He worked hard to achieve his dreams and is so deserving of all the accolades bestowed on him. Continue on dear Prince, we will always support you. AJA! Fighting!!!

  28. thank you alot aphrael..wow 12 hours..
    you have done so much to make us closer to our Prince Sukkie
    already watch and I feel proud of him ..proud to his eels

  29. hii dear aphrael
    how do yoo do?
    you are really amazing and have a great website
    and all eels thankfull for what you do really
    but i have a note
    you use in translation vedios a hrad words and sometime i couldn’t understand it
    so try to use a simple words next time^^
    and thanks a lot again my dear
    and really you’re the best

  30. Its reali heart-wrenching to watch him relate abt his childhood..(his tears welling ard his eyes haizz) I guess that the sacrifice that artiste have to face when they are young… I believe that is why when hes famous now that he speaks truthfully… How I wish I could be his classmate..or friend… and give him a super BIG HUG.. one of JKS quote i like…

    ” Monday Tuesdays are mine… if they plan anything on these days.. let them sort it out themselves” 😉

  31. thank you very much for the eng sub. I am very touch and very proud of sukkie. I want to be an eel too. Can you tell me how? Lets make jks the world prince he deserve it. With his talent, kindness and perseverance. I am very proud of him. Our Prince fighting”

  32. wooooow!!! Aphrael Thank you so much for your time!!! I really enjoy the video reading the subs….
    Thank you again I feel very happy!!!

    Regards from Ibaraki Ken

  33. Thanks for who helped to translate, i had this video with out english sub title, but now i am really happy to see and enjoy with english subtitle, soo thanks, thanks…………

  34. @sukkiefanNUSA…

    I agree with you this kid is such a great artist with multi talent…I surmise one of the reasons he is so popular in Japan not only with his charisma and talent but they have appreciated his being honest and true to himself which maybe not well preceived in his own country…but I one of those who has great appreciation of this kid not just because of his great talent but in honesty of expressing himself which is rear to find mong pop star.

  35. My admiration, respect and love for JKS shoot to the roof after reading articles about him (thanks to nus711 of soompi) after watching on YT his preparations for his Japan concert. I am glad he is now reaping the years of hard work he has done for the past years. Fame and fortune? He deserves all these!

  36. First of all a Big Thanks to Aphrael who take 12 hours to provide the English subtitle. After watching it Jang Geun Suk deserve everthing Asia Prince, very rich and very famous. He also deserve a girlfriend or wife like Park Shin Hye to share the joy and love. Now I know why JGS wants to get marry before 30, he will love his children more than anybody else because he had gone throug the hard life himself .

  37. i’m really thankful to this blog!i got more updates about JKS:)
    to Aphrael77 your effort for doing an eng sub is truly worth because you help lots of JKS fans. God Bless and More Power:)

      • Hi Grace- bagong eel kaba? Actually madami fanclub si Sukkie satin- ewan ko lang pero suggestion ko search mo “Eels Philippine Club” sa facebook at “Eels Philippines Blog”..Pwede mo din tanungin mismo ung isang admin dun,eto twitter nia- @mrsjenjang…

        FYI – me malaking gathering ang “Eels Philippines” sa JULY 17- diko sure ung date pero pwd kapa humabol kung sakali..Mas maganda kung ikaw mismo magtanung ke Jen a.k.a @mrsjenjang -isa sa mga organizer.

        Pali sister para di mo mamiss ang happenings sa event na yun-dami eels na pupunta dun..^_^

  38. Dearest Aphrael, thank you so much for providing the subtitle! You are such a great and generous person. Thank you for sharing this and your kindess.

    p/s: those two girls who ere hugged tightly by keun seuk areee so luckkyy! I was screammminnnnnnnnn !

    <3 <3 <3 jang keun seuk !


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