14 thoughts on “[Pics] Lotte filming”

  1. Thanks Aphrael.
    All pictures are beautiful. Even the candid eating picture. Red is one of the colors I like on Sukkie. My favorite man in red. * melts *

  2. OMG!!! so cute all the pics…love the 2nd,3rd pic loads…also the black tux style s awesome…love him when his hair is tied back like that..too sexy… 😛

    • Meg, besides looking sexy in tied up hair.. I just realised now that Sukkie has a nickname from child to teens.. saw in the Asia tour 2010 DVD which he mentioned… he was given the nickname “millioniare forehead” as he has high & beautiful forehead (and also associate with smart).. now I know why the Chinese eels in BaiduSukbar always address him with that nickname ^_^

      • OMG!!! awesome millionaire forehead!! weeeeeeeee!!! and also noticed that they call him mushroom master recently cos of the LR hairdo!hahaha love that name too..

  3. thanks for sharing another beautiful pictures of sukkie.. 🙂 my favorite is the ninth and the twelfth picture..

  4. Wah…sukkie with his hair tied!!! Have always loved it .is it too much much for me to say that it’s too much sexiness for me???? absolutely sexyyyyyy! Thanks aphrael….

  5. And I just died, went to heaven, and came back to life! Sukkie never fails to amaze me. He is the perfect epitome of my ideal man even before I got married… tall, and handsome… unfortunately, I ended up with a not-so-tall guy… (but still cute… oh-oh…am I missing the REAL JKS in my life again? *Sniffs*)


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