26 thoughts on “[Video] Tokyo Dome clips on Wowow”

    • related to the musical & costume theme of ancient prince in the west with the hairdo.. the theme also surrounds the playful prince Jang invites his eels to his imaginary castle for a tour and have wonderful 3 hours fun with him..

    • QQeyes, thanks for posting this video here. This is so sweet, emotional and very meaningful song. I don’t understand the lyric, but I can feel its meaningful by the way that Sukkie sings this song with his heart and soul.

    • Hi QQ! I was back to Japan last night. It was a long flight.
      I couldn’t watch all the video posted here, but this song was written by him for the sake of the consolation of victims after the earthquake (of course, not only for the victims but also all the eels). This song touched us deeply.

      • Hi Kaori-chan! Hope you had rested well. If you manage to get the lyrics, cld u pls share with us? Oh and can I speak for the rest of the Eels Club members, would you like to join us on FB? We really look forward to hv u there 🙂 If you are interested, please add me as friend: Arba’ayah Farina Abdullah or my email address: farina1968@yahoo.co.uk 🙂

      • Kaori-chan, welcome back!!! I guess you must be very tired.. please take a good rest first as I guess you will be getting busy later with New Year preparation…
        Thanks for sharing the info.. I’m so touched by this song and the good intention by Sukkie ^_^
        Oh yes, please join the rest at the FB too as Farina & the rest of us sure welcome you there!!!

  1. QQeyes00, my dearest friend THANK YOU soo much for your dedication and diligently posting all kinds Sukkie’s videos and for all your contributions you made on this blog.
    SPECIAL THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your never-ending comforting words and comments about certain doubts and negative news about our Prince. Your comments always made me feel better – always calmed me and always healed my aching heart. I want to take this chance to say I appreciated you very much for that.
    Also would like to Thank You Aphrael, tenshi-chan, farina, and all other eels (I cannot possible name you all here) in this blog. You’re all awesome ladies!!

    • KaileyCA, you’re welcome.. we are just like “Guardian Angels” for Sukkie & his eels ^_^ (it works both ways as Sukkie also mentioned many times he will protect his eels too..) I find the song very meaningful & touching too..
      btw, happy holidays to you and everyone here!!!

      • just like what @KaileyCA said,thank you very very much girls..Can’t find a word to describe the “bond” that we have,but I’m sure to myself that this is a lifetime commitment for me,no turning back!!
        @tenshi..home sweet home dear, enjoy the holiday with your family..Hug & Kisses to ur sweet Mom!!!

  2. thanks to eel in EELs’ club to share this full & clear version of Sukkie’s Tokyo Dome concert.. it is really an awesome concert which I would like to post here too also with eels not seen yet ^_^ (when I watch this, I really hope I was there then!)
    The start reminds me of magical Disneyland (Prince’s Jang magical castle) which he invited his eels and friend to join in his magical castle.. including the very high LoungeH.. which is a total change of the cute Prince in the beginning… it is really a showcase of Sukkie as an amazing entertainer with support from his team & friends and eels..

    • Kaori-chan, just to check if the DVD for the above Tokyo Dome concert is out already in Japan? After I watch the whole vid above, I can feel the previous FA by your mum… it is such a spectacular concert and I think I will cry too if I watch this concert LIVE.. even with the vid on Youtube, I really hope to get the DVD for collection ^_^

      • QQeyes..2nd your thoughts.. I got goosebump watching it.. just awesome show. Wish someday I watch him live….

      • KaileyCA, I’m really impressed by his expressive & emotional display in every song and the overall line-up and from the BTS, he really work hard despite his busy schedule to rehearse and make this show such a success… oh yes, the part on the hot air balloon is cute though when he intentionally faced the camera above to show he was terrified by the balloon flight above ^_^ (so natural!)

  3. Hi Tenshi! I have listend a lot to this song lately, but I couldn´t find the lyrics in english. Do you maybe have link or translation. Isn´t the name of the song “Blue sky” or something like that? I love the song, and just want to know what it is about.I think that Sukkies voice goes so well with the voice of that singer.

    Hope you can help me. 🙂


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