[News] “You’re my Pet” sold to 9 Asian countries

Movie “You’re my Pet” has been sold to 9 Asian countries including Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei. It will be aired in Japan on 12 Jan 2012 and China in Feb or March.

Source: Nate
Shared by: Sukbar

56 thoughts on “[News] “You’re my Pet” sold to 9 Asian countries”

    • AaaHHHHHHH!!!! *screaming in excitement!!*
      YES YES YES!! Finally!!!!!
      I’m so happy YMP will be showing in Spore!!!
      Calling Aphrael, Farina and all crazy eels!!! Let’s us watch this movie together!!!! I can’t wait!!! My god!!!
      I am so excited until i can’t stop jumping around & screaming to my hb! Hahahaa!! 😀

    • Mole Hunter President ….. why not you come to KL to see YMP + mandi bunga perigi together LOL

      • Carol, I may be gg KL around 23-26 dec but I’ll be bringing a platoon so I don’t know if we can meet…

      • President, no problem ……. coz I will be away frm town too
        We still have lots of chance to meet
        Come to KL again when YMP shown here

    • I have a feeling we in the states will have to wait for DVD but if they are releasing throughout Asia means they are subbing so there is hope.

    • It is sad. Wish it were coming to US but not sure we don’t get foreign films unless they are up for some award. One of the reasons I believe Silenced is going to be submitted by Korea for Best foreign language is because it was distributed in the US. But hopefully since You’re my Pet is being marketed throughout Asia is will be subbed and doesn’t mean that Philippines isn’t getting it just doesn’t have a distribution partner yet. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you guys in the Philippines. Maybe news will come out in next few days.

      • Yeah. I not only want to watch but want to own. I know he has other movies out but this is the only one I desire to own. Maybe cause he was making it at a time when I fell in love with him or maybe its the only one in which I see him as a man (I love that phrasing from kdramas *smh*).

  1. Whackkkkk …… confirmed YMP will be shown in Malaysia cinema
    If anyone get to know where & when it will be shown, please post coz I make sure can get the ticket
    wowwwwwww !!!

    Hope JKS will have the Asia YMP tour *^o^*

  2. I’ve been sick for the past two days. I’ve been going to the doctor and taking medicine. But this news is the best cure that make me so much better ^_^

    • Hope you feel better soon and its nothing serious 🙂 Sukkie cures me… well maybe he just helps me deal with sickness better even though its hard to sit at a computer when you’re sick.

    • Thanks! I am actually starting to like this song. Never been a Manilow fan (the song doesn’t belong to him, he just happened to sing it and made it a hit). LOL.. I guess YMP decided to play with the urban legend story of the song being about the original writers dog (not true).

    • QQeyes thanks so much for posting this version. Love love his voices, so amazing and relaxing to listen to his voice. His HMMM melted my heart. lol… I don’t remember how many times now I pressed the replay button. All I know is every time I listen to this song, I close my eyes and dreaming.

  3. migrap26 & atetweet, are there many Korean movies going to Philippines? if so, may be the eels can write in to ask for YMP to be shown in Philippines… I’m quite surprise as I thought Philippines is not included in the list, it will be good to show it during the festive holidays right?

    • i’m not sure if there have been Korean movies shown in Philippine theaters, or i just might not be aware of it. there is a Korean Film Festival held every September though, but they only show selected movies, i think those that have been box office hits. they screened Happy Life this year but i wasn’t able to go because of work. i am really hoping and crossing my fingers that YMP will be shown here. you’re right, it would really be a very nice treat for the holidays. 🙂

  4. *thumbs up*…..yay…totally excited for YMP to be shown in Malaysia…will wait for it….HURRY!HURRY!

  5. YES…YES….YES…..finally it will can be watch in M’sia soon, hi all eels in M’sia let’s watch together2 ya….will try to check it out for the air time …hope my cinema informer hv the info soon…..

  6. Dear Eels.. I happened to go into this thread in BaiduSukbar & saw this gif file from last scene of YMP.. can’t help to share as many eels are curious… the title of the thread translated from Chinese is “I’m frightened, please help!” (scroll down the thread to 2nd page as the creator of the tread is making a bigger gif ^^ when all the eels are already shocked to see the first gif file)

    • yeah! it’s really shocking.. first time to see sukkie doing torrid kissing scene and hard to watch especially if you don’t know the story yet.. :0

    • Lol… my heart cannot stop beating fast for a while. That is one HOT KISS!! I cannot wait to watch the movie. Please DVD comes soon.

    • OMG……. I don’t know what to say………… I don’t really like that kiss. Yeah, it’s really shocking….. I don’t know.. 🙁

    • When I first see this scene (after hearing so much on interviews), I find the scene is actually very emotional & artistically taken (with the sunrise as backdrop) like many of the kissing scene which Sukkie did before in MMM, YAB & HGD.. Sukkie is an adult actor & with his professionism as actor, I think we can expect more of such passonate scene in future especially in movie (which has different censorship rating compared with drama – having more stringent level of censorship)
      Tam, just to share that the gif file may be made to go faster.. the actual scene may not be like this ^_^

      • i agree with you , their is nothing shocking in the kissing scene ( bdw , it’s not the first time he did it , he did once in an ad with PSH, and it was hoter ).
        beside nude and bed scenes , i think some kissing or huging scenes when needed for the realism of the story gives the movie the sentimental touch witch will atract the viewers and especially the women.
        anyway , i’m really dying to see this movie with or without this scene , even without subs coz all i need is to see JKS ‘s face

  7. I just saw in Baidusukbar a link to news report on this Hollywoodreporter website on YMP.. the news of YMP to be shown in 2 major market in Asia – Japan/China, in fact, Korean movies are not widely shown on Cinemas in these 2 countries..I used to read comments from Chinese eels that they were hoping for YMP to be shown in China as they knew not many Korean movies can go into China.. but Sukkie is really very popular in China as many Chinese eels are overseas in Korea & Japan studying or working with up-to-date news feed back to China.. and many love Sukkie for the same reasons why he is loved by many in Japan – his acting, multi-talents & great & unique personality..


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