27 thoughts on “[Pics] ohmynews”

  1. poor sukki,he looks so tired ,I think he must have been sick,coz he had an injection on his left hand,I hope he care about his health more.he looks soooo tired,although he tries 2 smile:(((((((

  2. thanks aphrael for the pics.
    it brakes my heart to see the plaster on his arm . even the make up can’t totally erase the marks of the weakness on his cute and pale face .
    i pray every day that something cames up to oblige him to take a long and necessary brake . he’s really breathless

  3. Thanks for sharing…! It looks like he gain a few pounds. or idkk. His arms doesn’t look as “ripped” like before. His skin is also getting “blech”. poor guenseuk 🙁 Hope he recovers! Tskk but can’t believe he has to preform at the tokyo dome soon. ugh. His managers and staff should not plan any major gatherings, like fanmeetings/concerts during december and so forth. Keep him in Korea for at least 2 months!!!

  4. Oh, aphrael! Thank u so much! Actually i was waiting for these pix the whole day yesterday! No matter even if he has plaster or his skin becomes drier, i love all the pix! He never fails to be sexy when he is serious, and cute when he is smiling!!!

  5. His masculinity sure shines thru in these pictures. He does look stressed though. Haven’t been able to keep up on news with him last few days. Still on my trip. But love these pictures and was hoping they would show up here. Thanks!

  6. Sukkie took my breath away..I’m happy he look a little bit fine and little by little he will recover soon..If I could just take those treatment for him but I’m afraid I cannot (i’m super afraid of injection)hahaha..Why he has so many scars in his hand..T_T …

    • Charlotte, you have sharp eyes. Lol…after learning moles hunting from Farina, nothing is missing from you now. Kekekek… lord, I wish get well soon.

    • i noticed the scars too.. and his skin is also not in good condition.. it seems he has rashes on his face.. poor sukkie he really needs a good rest.. nevertheless, he looks gorgeous and so manly in this pictures.. but i was wondering is he wearing make up in here??

  7. tsk..tsk. . Our prince is really tired in these few weeks . . He definitely needs a lot of rest! Btw, let’s just vote him at kpopexpress.com/polls of whom has the best killer smile. . He really deserves it eels . . His smile makes a lot of women all over the world to fall for him . . right eels? and what made me to admire him ,his smile never fades eventhough he is stressed.

  8. Gosh.. even his skin suffer.Despite being sick and not at his 100%, he always managed to deliver! Such a committed and determined person (eels know this all along!).Hope that he will really get better soon.
    @ farina, I’ve received your mail.Thanks.

  9. love all the pics, esp the 7th & 26th pics. he looks more his age here and very manly at that. but he‘s not in tip-top shape as he looks so haggard. can‘t help notice the dark circles under his eyes and his skin really doesn‘t look good. i think his very busy schedule is taking its toll on him. but even then, he is still as charming as ever.

    @charlotte, noticed the scars on his hands, too. and he also has red spots on his arms. could it be allergy? oh my!

    @migrap26, i think he‘s slightly wearing make-up here but no eyeliner.

  10. Although he was still not recover from his illness, but he still can deliver the photoshot very well, bit tired but yeah, sweet, cute and handsome! <33 ! get well soon our prince! we will always pray for you to get healthier and can go to work happily !


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