28 thoughts on “[08.10.2011] YMP showcase pics”

  1. He is such a wonderful person and he really looks innocent with his new hair style and he really suit this hairstyle though it looks like 70’s

  2. I agree! he looks so much younger with this hair style and when I think I’m going to see him on the drama with all his expressions accompanied by this innocent look makes my heart race! and that’s just by imagining in my head! what will the real thing do to me then <3

  3. i agree! with this new hair style he really looks like a teenager but i don’t like seeing him with classic clothes ; i think he looks more charming and sexier with casual and non conformist ones they match better his personality .anyway with clothes or no ( specially this one) he’s still the prince of the world

  4. He always spread his arms and put his face in the air move. Like he taking a deep breath and just enjoying life. I’m glad he finally got the recognition he deserves. I don’t like this outfit on him. Too restricted and confined. He looks adorable in the hair. Lol.

    • I agree,come on Eels Shout My Name!! Some may think that his gesture’s are arrogant,but for Eel’s,that is his way of showing his appreciation for their love.He is our Baby,,and he deserves all the affection!!!He’s enjoying every moment everytime he is with his Eel’s.I also prefer casual clothes for Prince,I love him that way,simple yet magnetic!!!

  5. sukie is one of the few actors who can carry whatever dress and hairstyle he wants and still manage to look very handsome…i’m getting more and more addicted to him!!! saranghae jang keun suk!

    • Another vid of the YMP showcase.. I like the chemistry between Sukkie & noona Kim Haneul, saw in an interview of YMP press conference (Chinese Sub) which they talked about their working relation.. KHN actually mentioned that when she is tired (like the role in YMP) during the filming, Sukkie is the one the cheer up her & the rest of the production crew and her ideal type is someone who is cheerful outside but matured inside.. and implied Sukkie is closed to that ^_^ (I hope I did not misinterpret the translation ..LOL)

      • Thanks for the vid links, QQeyes … was the YMP showcase held in Seoul today?
        I like Sukkie’s outfit and hairstyle … he and Kim Haneul look great together … i’ve a feeling she likes Sukkie a lot too ^^

      • Vic, yes.. the YMP showcase today is back in Seoul.. I always heard actresses or people working with Sukkie praising him as someone who is professional, talented, considerate & also, someone who always liven up the tense atmosphere during working.. like you, I believe any actresses who work with him will have a good time together.. and knew from the Chinese Sub YMP press conference, Sukkie mentioned that he has waited for long for his “master” to appear for YMP & he is glad KHN agreed to be his “master” & he even said he thanks his ancestor to bless him with this “master” (in the vid, he said he is not joking about this comment ^_^)

    • I saw in one recent translated Twitter or Weibo (in KSC) messages that Sukkie jokingly mentioned his “master” is embarrassed of him..like when he did shuffle dance on red carpet suddenly ^_^

    • OMG! what a lucky lady she is! being hugged with our prince, so jealous!! but actually i was not really happy when he kissed his own hand, but if he kissed her hand, oh my my! a very2 big honour to her! so jealous again…

      • Not sure what the kissing own hand means but it might be hard to kiss the hand of a stranger but still want to get close to a fan. Doesn’t bother me too much. I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of hand kisses or almost hand kisses and the level has always been dependant of how well the person knew me.

      • All eels.. stay calm about the kissing of his hand ^_^ I just read from a thread in BaiduSukbar that one eel is sharing that this is western social etiquette for men to be polite to a girl by holding the hand of the girl but kissing his own hand.. if he kisses the hand of the girl, then it is considered impolite.. I hope this is the right intepretation.. must go and confirm hehehe.. gosh, Sukkie is sure making us busy with his prince’s action.. I have not gone for this lesson on western social etiquette before!

      • gosh, i mean, it’s not very hygienic for JKS to kiss several girls’ hands, right …. they might not have washed their hands!

        just being so close to him and having him hold the eel’s hand will set the heart aflutter already…. ^^

      • LOL…aphrael, I will faint if he just hold my finger! I just hope the girl has no boyfriend who might get jealous & add on another anti fan for Sukkie as I guess Sukkie has made many men jealous ^_^

      • LOL… I didn’t want to say that about hygiene cause I didn’t know how it would be interpreted because I know so many people here are Eastern while I’m Western. Yes, it is actually very impolite and considered lewd to kiss a woman’s hand directly. From a chivalry standpoint lips would never touch flesh but it was common to “breath” on the hand. Its different if the hand is gloved but also very forward for a man to kiss the hand of any woman that was not his wife. Historically speaking kissing a woman’s hand could ruin her reputation and hurt her chances of obtaining a good marriage.

      • Andrea, Thanks for confirming the western social etiquette of hand kissing ^_^ a free lesson on this topic..

      • LOL.. I used to be heavily involved in historical reenactments. I’m really not familiar with the modern practices of kissing hands but do know its common practice not to actually touch lips to the hand. From what little I’ve learned about Korean culture I would be really surprised if he did kiss anyone’s hand. I just think its rather charming. He’s trying to promote his Asian Prince persona, which is cute, which is probably why he’s acting chivalrous.

  6. slowly i can accept him when his kiss style was like that.. yeah, since he was not yet commenting to that kind of kiss, just let it go.. if korean culture such as kissing the women that they don’t know well were impolite, we have to respect him and their culture, it’s good for us too because touching skin each other especially kissing even only the hand will sometimes can hurt another people’s heart..


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