[2022-05-18] CRAFT_42_official Twitter

#Jang Keun Suk meets through NFT to commemorate the 10th anniversary of @star1 magazine

Zoe’s note:
Korean magazine, “@star1” will release NTF with Jang Keun Suk’s pictorial cover and interview from March 2012 to commemorate the 10th anniversary. It seems that the magazine issue with Sukkie was the first @star1 issue. According to the article, a special event for fans is expected. 😮❤️It will be 8 different types of NTF, 199 NTFs all together. The article says NTFs will be “air-dropped” to fans. It seems that “air-dropped” just means they will be given for free as promotion. NTF (non-fungible token) seems to be stored digital data. You can see the details of NFT from here.

#장근석, 앳스타일 창간 10주년 기념 NFT로 만난다

2 thoughts on “[2022-05-18] CRAFT_42_official Twitter”

  1. Hola chicas , una consulta la verdad que no entiendo mucho este procedimiento ,nos pueden ayudar con el procedimiento de los pasos a seguir porfavor 🙏


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