Thank you always our friend Eve Yap for making our unique banner!
Eve described as follows, “The effect on the image resembles his latest single cover style. At the same time the multi color also reflects on the rainbow eel concept.”
Zoe from ECI’s note:
After mentioning Singapore and Europe eels, he pointed with the finger at the camera and said: “Amazing, right? Amazing,right? Asia prince. Let’s see, and Eels Club International, Russian eels, Indonesia, (he put his hand under the ECI banner and said:) so here too many people have donated. Thank you (in Korean while waving) Thank you cri (in English)”, and than he went to the next banner.
So happy to see oyabun at this beautiful banner… full shot. I’m sure even he can’t travel to meet his rainbow eels… these many colors made him very happy..and us too