[2020-08-31] CRI-J Twitter

English translation: Zoe from ECI

How are you eels?
Today is the last day for the photo exhibition ad.
Thank you again to “JAPAN EELS” + eels who sponsored this event.

And, let’s quickly delete SNS photo that actor Jang deleted~!!
Then, have a nice evening^^


장어님들 안녕하세요?
나눔사진전 광고가 오늘까지네요.
협찬해주신 ‘JAPAN EELS +’장어님들께 다시한번 감사인사 드립니다.

그리고, 배우님께서 지우신 SNS사진은 우리도 빨리 삭제합시다~!!
그럼, 즐거운 저녁 보내세요^^

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