17 thoughts on “[12.07.11] JKS returns to Korea”

  1. Great pictures! I really like his style without makeup here.
    As always – gorgeous and happy smiling, so heart warming πŸ™‚
    Thanks a lot Aphrael!

  2. love him this way! no make-up, so naturally handsome! no pretty clothes, just simple t-shirt and shorts, but he still looks stylish as ever. he can really wear anything; the wearer makes the clothes stylish!!

    the lively cheeky personality is there with or without make-up. irrepressible! πŸ˜€ his personality is the best part of him!

  3. i’m totally very very very love his natural face…ohh goshhh this young men really awesome πŸ™‚ no make up wearing casual clothes.. the last pic, soooooooo cool men !!!!! *melt*

  4. hi handsome guy, welcome home! owh..his eyes look so tired.. i bet that he will totally fall down to zzzz once he sees d pillow, sweet dream prince!!!


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