[2018-08-20] Tree-J Twitter

*Actually, it’s not the result of Billboard JAPAN HOT100, but tsuirun ranking. Billboard JAPAN doesn’t open the result on the way, so Japanese use this site as a reference.
TEAM H Summer Time ranked top on the Billboard JAPAN HOT100 33rd week ranking!!

Team H congratulations!

All the glory is crowned to eels!!

tenshi_akuma’s note: This ranking is not ‘Billboard JAPAN HOT100’. The number of tweets will be counted in Billboard JAPAN HOT100, so Japanese eels use this ranking site as a reference. The result of Billboard JAPAN HOT100 will be released on August 22nd.

Billboard JAPAN HOT100
33주, 1위를 차지했습니다!!

Team H 축하합니다!

이 모든 영광을

Works we would like to ask eels for help are increasing!

An indicator of the number of tweets for Billboard JAPAN got 1st place!

HOT 100 ranking is counted by the total numbers below!
/ the album sales
/ the audio streamings
/ the MV views
/ the internet searches
/ the radio broadcastings

Please keep supporting until September 5th!

장어님들이 할 일이
더더욱 많아지고 있어요!

Billboard JAPAN
트위터 지표에서는 1위!

HOT 100 종합순위에는
/ 앨범 판매량
/ 음원 스트리밍
/ 동영상 재생
/ 인터넷 조회수
/ 라디오 방송회수
모두 집계되니까요!

9월 5일까지 계속 힘내봐요!

Before summer ends,
we hope you’ll request the song (TEAM H Summer Time) to radio stations..

# Team H
# Summer Time

여름이 가기전에
라디오에 노래 신청 좀..

# Team H
# Summer Time

4 thoughts on “[2018-08-20] Tree-J Twitter”

  1. i love jks photo here he is sooo handsome here and good looking smile and he is my crush but that is my secret to him.


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