28 thoughts on “[Fan Account] Bangkok Cri Show 28 MAy 2011 – Part 2 Lounge H”

  1. tks Aphrael to share all these vid.
    He looks so high, hope next year Sin Cri Show do have bigger and better stage to make all CRI HIGH!

  2. i am so happy he’s saying that he’s coming back next year! hoping that would be true, 2012 asia tour! yey! 🙂

  3. Aphrael, 你真的很棒, managed to take so many video clip. I am now so high because of the Lounge H. JKS was so high in the Thailand Lounge H. Hope that KL Lounge H will be as high as this one. Will KLCC allow JKS to spray water like this???

    • that’s why my arms are still aching now! muscle ache and backache!

      … LH will still be as good anywhere else, but I am a bit worried about the stage in KL, because it looks very similar to the NUS Cultural Centre … which MAY mean that stage lighting and visual effects may suffer…. i hope KL organisers do their best for the KL stage ….

      • That’s my worry as well….the venue is quite similar to NUS while Thailand is similar to HK….. only can hope for the best…..

  4. After viewing his Lounge H live at SG Cri Show, I felt it was really the highlight of his fm. I kept searching for his Lh vids after that just to catch a glimpse of his electrifying dance. I wish he could continue dancing nonstop cos it was really a sight to behold. I was awestruck when I saw it live, it feels like just a blink is a loss to me….hv I gone mad?!!!

    I hv read tt he ever drank champagne or wine and sprayed onto the waiting eels!! But I think he received quite a bit of criticisms and it is wise tt he has changed it to water now…. Wish I was there to catch just a drop or a gulp….lol!!!

  5. Thanks sooooo much (T_T) , aphrael !!!!!!
    As I sometimes confess that, Lounge H is my BEST since I first watched it on DVD!!!!
    I like JKS’ cuteness and beauty; but moreover, I really really like his sexy, wild and manly side!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I’m dying to see his Lounge H live… (T_T)
    Again, thank you so much aphrael!!!!
    I could feel the vibe through your vids as if I were there 🙂

  6. Amazing videos Aphrael!!!! MY oh MY!!!! JKS is soooooooooo high in LH!!
    And he is looking way too HOT for me to handle!! hahaha! 😀
    I simply love the way and expression he had on his face while shooting the water gun at his fans! What a hottie!! hahaha! 😀

    Oh dear, sorry for your aching arms & backache just to take all these super HOT videos to share with all the fans here! You are the BEST fan lah!!! 😀
    Love your FA and videos! Wooo Hoooo!!!

    I think i can’t sleep tonight after watching all these!! And i am SO looking forward to see LH live!! 🙂

    Geeee!!!! Jason is so funny!! He knows JKS signature dance too!! Oh Wow! 😀

  7. aphrael77, thanks so much for sharing your own experience at Cri-Show Thailand….the words coming from you always make us feel like we’re there ^_^

  8. the one that he blows water coming from his mouth looks awkward to those who doesn’t love him…but for me i would love it and i will taste it… like i kiss him in that way.
    ohh he’s so “fucking hot”..love the way he dance.. oh i remember BB kurt used the words “fucking ready”and JKS questioned him..lol…

  9. wuaaaa , , , thanks a lot aphrael , you must be working very hard for uploading all videos. Really really appreciate it.

    And i am so glad coz there is video of “shake it” ( full version ). I like that song ^_^

  10. Thank you for sharing…. I really love LH. Never once had a negative thought about him regarding those not so nice news, gozzips or pics. Love him the way he is….. how hard-working he is to make his fans happy….
    Hoping to be in Thailand for the next year show….

  11. omge in the 4th video JKS just said “fucken” omge but LOL I would reply ” hell ya im fucekn ready ” lol….. but he sound so cute ……
    omge he so cute with that water gun … he sure love playing with water LOL….
    omge toward the end of video 7 that was one sex move JKS … LOL
    love his sexy dance hehe ..omge throwing the towel ( i want lol) ….
    JKS just doing some random things/dance on stage .. thats what i love about him, he just do what ever .. 🙂
    omge he so cute hugging that toy and making that barking sound.. omge so cute..

    SRY !!! long comments… im like commenting on every video .. SRY !!! XD
    THANKS SOOOO MUCH for the VIDEO … YOU are the BEST =D <3
    aww he so tired he seating on the stage cute .. hehe
    in the 2nd to last video … he look like a little boy siting on the stage so cute…

  12. please note: its jetstar07 I have change my name to thewifey_07

    thank you Aphrael for uploading these video it brings back wonderful times in Singapore FM 🙂 JKS looks so cute in the last song with Sunni how I wish that was me who he was hugging!!

  13. I was enjoying watching his vid, and taught to my self wow thats whats happening during his fm and lounge h…..Im happy and I felt that I was there too……Thank’s much Aphrael for always updating and sharing the joy when it comes to our jks……hugs……..

  14. Thanks Aphrael for your hard work..
    He’s so cute and adorable..
    I really hope the best for Cri KL ..and looking forward for the day..
    Do you know JKS accomodation in KL…

  15. I have to join the horde of other eels thanking you for ur dedication! Think there hasnt been a day that went by without me checking in on ur blog! 🙂 And, it’s amazing how u manage to attend most of his CRI show this year!!! *envious* But enjoy his coming CRI shows!! Cheerz!

    • Thanks! I didn’t expect to attend 4 of his 6 Cri Shows this year too!

      After all, I’ve liked him for about half a year only, and was super happy when he came to Singapore.
      Then …. one cannot see enough of him, u know… Malaysia is close, so I must go there too! Erm, Bangkok is not that far too, and both places are relatively less expensive.

      Taiwan is out, because of their ridiculous ticketing website which hangs like no other website does …

      Shanghai is the last stop where I understand the language…. must make an effort to go!!

      Attending his Cri Show is a dream come true for me, and I am very very happy!! 🙂
      Then again, just looking at JKS pics and videos every day makes me happy too ^^

      • Can absolutely relate…only started liking him for about half a year, and was ecstatic when I found out that he was coming to KL! But you’ve got the momentum going!!:) My next event is probably be his show in S.Korea next year! *fingers & toes crossed*

  16. watching these vids seriously made me cry. i wanna be there so bad! but i wasnt allowed to. he’s so near yet so far! msian eels, have lots of fun with jks!! seeing him happy and all the eels happy makes me happy too! party like there’s no tomorrow!

  17. Can you share me the videos…. please…. so sad that he is not coming here in out country (Philippines)… Thanks much!

  18. aw., can’t view the clips anymore.. 🙁 .. i was too late i guess., i wanted to see the clips too.. too bad i was late.. 🙁

  19. Hi
    Does anyone know the name of his manager that the pulled on the stage? Is he from Tree J Company? Thanks.


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