170323 GIFT YOKOHAMA 2day When Actor Jang was going to say hi to fans from the window, an warning “No, you can’t! Remember you were warned at that time as an accident was likely to happen” stopped him from sticking his arm out of the window soon.. but he is still doing like this… (caring about fans)
170323 GIFT YOKOHAMA 2day 창밖으로 인사를 하려던 장배우는, “안돼! 그 때도 사고 날 뻔해서 주의받았었다”라는 말에 얼른 창문에서 손을 거두었지만.. 아직도 저러고 있답니다…
INSTA LIVE~ (=^▽^)σ The happiest time for Actor Jang is to play with eels, the same as 7 years ago! Currently he’s preparing for today’s FM! See you soon!
INSTA LIVE~ (=^▽^)σ 7년 전에도, 지금도, 장어들과 함께 노는 게 제일 재미있는 장배우! 지금은 FM 준비 중입니다! 좀 있다 만나요!
PRINCE in my ear!
Are you ready to see him?
He’s going to see you now!
내 귀의 프린스!
만날 준비 되셨나요?
지금 만나러 갑니다!
170323 GIFT YOKOHAMA 2days
He’s always listening carefully
He’s always looking carefully
He’s never changed since then
We felt that way again and again today
Thank you, our eel friends
This photo is Actor Jang who turned off after the FM
170323 GIFT YOKOHAMA 2days
언제나 제대로 듣고 있다고
언제나 제대로 보고 있다고
그 때의 그와 변함없음을
몇 번이고 느낀 오늘이었습니다
장어친구들 감사합니다
사진은 FM을 마치고,
Turn off된 장배우
Mr. Lim, manager of Korean bodyguard team, who decided to challenge a new world, and take a new step from now!
Thank you for everything you’ve done for us so far.
He has always call Actor Jang my BOSS.
He has taken care of the BOSS who’s smaller and younger than him for a long time.
Thank you again for everything.
Please keep being happy! Mr. Lim Lim!
이제부터 새로운 길,
새로운 스텝을 밟는 임과장님!
그동안 정말 고마웠습니다
언제나 장배우를 BOSS로 불렀어요
본인보다 작고 어린 BOSS를
오랜 기간, 보석처럼 다루어주었습니다
다시 한 번 정말로 감사드립니다
행복해야해요! 임임!
Thank you for all the translations team

Oh just like to ask on what was the accident happened before making it to trigger JKS on not saying Hi from the window?
He is so playful which makes him to cute and lovable by me. I guess this is one of his charms
On the other hand, I really live him in white. It really gives us. Fresh look of him!

With regard to very remarkable/ notable person, Mr. Lim, I will definitely miss him
he’s been a part of JKS’ life and so our life. Airport photos will never be the same again without him
in th last photo; we often saw stolen shots of JKS and Mr. Lim thru JKS’ whereabouts (airport photos, concerts – basically when he is at work) But, here it was my first time seeing them having a solo photo together, which I’ve been waitinh for a very long time
Well said sis.. So happy to see a pic of Prince with him.. n it’s going to b too too sad without him.. We have been addicted to Mr. Lim now..
I really wish if we can send our good byes to this good man..