[News] Jang Keun Suk will be appearing at the 20th Bucheon Fantastic Film Festival on 26th July

Original source: Dispatch
English translation briefly: Wen Lee from ECI

Jang Keun Suk will have a few words with the audience after the showing of the short film he directed – ‘The Great Legacy’. Furthermore, he will be interacting with the audience at a further level at an open stage ‘Fantastic Open Talk’.

Representative of Jang Keun Suk said: ‘JKS is looking forward to meeting with the audience. This is a film he and his fellow university students made with a lot of hard work. He is very happy to be able to show this film to so many people. JKS also wants to talk with everyone more about the film. Furthermore, the tickets which went on sale on the 14th have been sold out, showing his immense popularity.

4 thoughts on “[News] Jang Keun Suk will be appearing at the 20th Bucheon Fantastic Film Festival on 26th July”

  1. Ah ..my prince never fail to amaze me. How envy i’m with your limitless talents. I’m so proud to be your eel^^

  2. Dear ms. Tenshi please forgive me may i ask you one thing what is jang keun suk’ s religion in reakity please tell me thank you so much

  3. Good morning ms tenshi iam cacak please forgive me may i ask you some questions in fact what is jang keun suk’s religion and what are the names of jang keun suk’s parents also what is ms tenshi’s email address please tell me thank you so much ms tenshi i really need your answers


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