17 thoughts on “[TV] JKS Craze in Japan”

  1. amphrael77, thanks so much for sharing & translating this.. Sukkie really heals the heart and soul with his smiles ^_^ I’m in the midst of watching the election results when I see this, make me smiles when I see this vid…

    • … me watching election results too … good fight but still no fun when so few Opposition win …. : p

    • Hehehee! Me 3!! But i think i still prefer watching & reading news about JKS vs the sgelection! Ooops! ;p

      • ya, I woke up, did all my JKS news check, then went to vote… so can see what my priority is!

      • Hahahaa!!! Aphrael, you are so cute lah! ^o^
        But ooops i think i did the same too! Hehee! Woke up, refresh your blog and fb about JKS, then lunch and last vote. ;p
        Everything in my life now is about JKS! If one day i never read about him i go mad! hahaha! 🙂

      • hahaha… actually me too, this morning I checked on aphrael77’s blog first before I go for voting…LOL

  2. Ahhhh…. Thank you so much aphrael for translating this video! 🙂
    How i wish i can lay my hands on some of the products shown in that shop! *pouting now* ;p

  3. Me 4, watching ge, heard some news on the grapevine, very sad now….hope this vid can give some cheer to me too

  4. Hi Tenshi,

    Hope u see this video of Hong Kong Cri Show that I subtitled…. there are some Cantonese phrases that are different from Chinese meaning, so I hope I got the meaning correct ….


      • hi chicken little,

        I’m helpless when it comes to Cantonese without Chinese subs!

        if u have the time to write Eng subs (and it does take a bit of time), use Notepad (it’s a standard software in every PC) and save as .txt file.
        Each line in the subs should appear as one line in the .txt file, then press Enter to write the next line.
        u can email your txt file and video link to me ^^

      • No problem, I will try to translate it all to english and save it as .txt file and send to you.

  5. Hi girls,
    I’ve been to Shin-Okubo(“新大久保”) where is famous for a big Korean city in Japan the other day. Same as it is reported at the news, there are soooooooo many JKS items. But I haven’t bought anything about JKS’s.
    I was just looking and daydreaming … (//▽//)

    Why didn’t I buy anything?

    Most of them are not official goods, and JKS doesn’t want to buy them…
    Further more, even if I want to buy them, it’s quite difficult to buy them. Because I can’t afford to buy even all of his official goods… needless to say, unofficial goods :p

    • … oooh, what a pity they are not official goods … I should have guessed that.
      The only official goods are on JKS official website (and YesAsia, Koari etc) and in Lotte Jamsil Seoul.


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