[2016-04-11] Tree-J twitter

‘Daebak’ Jang Keun Suk’s passion is strong enough to bite a snake off… Everyone catches his breath seeing the scene. (Source: sports.donga | NAVER TV Entertainment) http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=382&aid=0000465821
‘대박’ 측 “장근석 뱀 물어뜯는 열정…모두 숨죽일 정도” (출처 : 스포츠동아 | 네이버 TV연예) http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=382&aid=0000465821

‘Daebak’ The snake that Jang Keun Suk is biting, is actually poisonous… the scary passionate acting. (Source: Star News | NAVER TV Entertainment) http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=108&aid=0002516983
‘대박’ 장근석이 뜯은 뱀, 실제 독사였다..무서운 연기열정 (출처 : 스타뉴스 | 네이버 TV연예) http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=108&aid=0002516983

Jang Keun Suk, sobbed terribly after knowing Lee Moon-Sik’s death. “Come alive again, father” (Source: Daebak | NAVER TV cast) http://tvcast.naver.com/v/828577

장근석, 이문식 사망 알고 오열 “아버지 살려내” (출처 : 대박 | 네이버 TV캐스트) http://tvcast.naver.com/v/828577

6 thoughts on “[2016-04-11] Tree-J twitter”

  1. Absolutely amazing! His display of emotions; anguish, grief, determination and hatred was so visceral. My heart was breaking for Dae Gil and I wanted to push that horrible man off the cliff for him

  2. I cried so much watching the unsubbed 5th episode. I wonder if anyone of you cried too or was it just me.
    With each beating and torturing he suffered at the hands of his tormentors, my heart was in pain and, I was hoping that would be the final beating in the episode, but no, the beatings continued. Even the girl he fell in love with at first sight inflicted so much pain and injury on him. Maybe she has a reason for doing so…
    JKS was awesome with his superb acting in last night’s episode, and I’m truly glad he picked ‘Daebak’ as his comeback drama.


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