25 thoughts on “[Pic] Japanese magazine: Korean Fun issue no. 2”

  1. This cover photo is very nice….. I may not able to resist if I see it in Kino…. Seems like beside learning Korean, I have to pick up Japanese again…..

  2. Hi gals, any idea where can i buy all these JKS magazines? I have seen so many types of magazines with his face on it, some are from Japan, Korea, China, etc etc etc….
    But how come I can’t seem to find any of these in Spore bookstores. 🙁

    Need your help here…. Thanks in advance!

      • For those interested to get this magazine, I can update you all when i see it in Kinokuniya. I visit Kino quite often as my work place is located at ngee ann city.

      • Wow, fantastic! I forgot to mention that this Korean Fun mag is only released on 6 May, so it may be mid-May IF it does reach S’pore.

        And this is a new mag, it only has produced issue no. 2 so far.
        previously, I have not seen it in Kino ….

      • Okie, places noted. Thanks Aphrael! 🙂

        Chicken Little – That’s great! Thanks thanks.
        Is there any way to contact you if you managed to spot these mags? ;p
        I bet JKS mags sells out very fast, and i wanna lay my hands on it asap! hahaha!

      • CrazyoverJKS, if you don’t mind, you could email me (yessy0423@yahoo.com.sg – it’s “zero four two three”) your hp number so that I can sms you when I see it in Kino. And if there is only a few copies available, may be we can work out if I buy for you first and you get from me at a later time.

      • Chicken Little! Thank you soooo much! 🙂
        Okie, i have emailed you already. hehee!

      • crazyoverJKS, I havent received your email yet. Would you like to check if the email address is wrong or you resend to me again?

      • Hi Chicken Little, hmmmm i have checked and your email address is correct. Anyway i have just email you again, please help me check k? 🙂
        Oh ya, maybe it went to your spam mail?

  3. wow..so many magz that have KS in it!
    aphrael & chicken little,
    i’m going to spore this Thursday, if i had enough time, i will visit Kinokuniya. anyway, which magz that worth to buy? since, i’m not going to buy all his magz….. hahaha…. i prefer magz that had so many pages and also give posters…. please recommend one or two!

      • tenshi akuma, have you bought the CRI-J magazines? I am tempted to buy these as well since there is english version for CRI-J (based on information from the website, am I correct?)

    • tenshi_akuma thx so much for the info…. (since, i forgot to include cri-j magz, thx for reminding me ^^ this one will be my number 1 list now), i’ve receive some recommendation by chicken little, already print those out, i hope i could find those magz in kinokuniya ^^ aah… can’t wait till tomorrow…. ^^

  4. Chicken Little,
    Yes! I’ve already bought and received vol.1 magazine.
    It was a so fantastic magazine because it is his private and specialized one 🙂
    Honestly I don’t know whether CRI-J has a English-translated version or not.
    Hence I will ask KBOOM(the publisher) about it instead of you.
    Would you please wait for a while?

      • Tenshi akuma, thanks a lot for helping us to check it out….. I will go for the J Plus Limited first while considering for the Cri-J Magazine… Just wanna to check if there is lots of written stuff in the Cri-J Magazine or contain more photos than words?

      • Dear Carol70,
        This magazine is not on sale at bookstores, only by the subscription on the Internet…
        You can subscribe to it though you’re not in Japan.
        Now I confirm there is English-translated version or not.

  5. Dear Chicken Little,
    In my opinion, I think CRI-J Magazine contains more photos than words.
    Probably aphrael and other eels have already ordered (received?) it,
    so their advice is more helpful than mine.

    CRI-J is a “magazine”, not a photo-book.
    So we can see his recent activities in it 🙂

    • Tenshi akuma, I have tried to order the Cri-J from Kboom website, but not sure if my order has been put through as the email received from them is entirely in Japanese. Could you provide me your email address or email me at yessy0423@yahoo.com.sg (“zero 423”) so that I can ask you about it? Thanks in advance.


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