24 thoughts on “[Fan Account] Live In Shanghai & Epilogue”

  1. Great fan account sis … loved hearing how he responded with his “cheeky” eels.
    Well… he should know where you all learned it from. Eels learn it from Master Eel!

  2. Wow!!!! Is someone more luckier than you guys walking on earth!!!! There was time for your hearts to jump out of your chests

  3. So much fun to read!! Love it when the fans do something that surprises him, and y’all did!!! Great FA – thanks 😀

  4. I don´t know how many times I´ve read your FA, Siew Hin. Feel happy every time I read it. 🙂

    Live in Shanghai, meeting him like that, and than Team H Halloween Party! How does it feel to be happy like that?

  5. I have been following this website for about prolly 4 months now. I fell in love with JKS as soon as I saw his Korean Drama “He’s Beautiful. He was very witty and good looking and he has oozing charisma. From then on, I cannot stop thinking about him. I checked all his youtube videos until I cannot find anythin else. But good thing while I was searching the internet, I found this site.

    Thank you for this blog entry.. I felt like I was there at the concert and at the airport. I can imagine everything that you’re telling us and I can imagine his face!

    I will keep on following this website everyday!

  6. thank you for sharing! its really great to read all these. Hope I could experience that kind of precious moments. 🙂

    • Yes Cathy – but I haven’t written it yet.
      *wink wink*

      Live In Shanghai is now very hazy – been in a daze after Team H Halloween Osaka

      • Fighting, Siew Hin! 🙂

        Maybe writing Team H Halloween FA will make you feel better. You should try it. 😉

        Don´t you agree, Cathy? 🙂

      • Yes , yes ,yes !!! Of course 100% agree Zoe ^o^ , and Siew Hin, I want both (the original version one) :p

  7. What a nice fan account – especially of how he answered you when you asked your questions in Chinese!!!

    Siew…You mentioned that you hoped that a DVD of his concert Live in Shanghai would be made – well – a one hour highlights of the Live in Shanghai is offered on Disc 2 of his Live in Seoul Dvd. From watching the 1 hour portion of Shanghai concert on the DVD – Everything you said about how wonderful his Shanghai concert was – is TRUE! and I agree 100%!!

    I love love your fan accounts!!! Thank you!


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