Credit: niamki (Siew Hin) from Singapore and ECI
Managed to write this before I forget all other details – especially since Team H Halloween starts tomorrow.
24 Oct 2015 – Live In Shanghai
At Shanghai International Gymnastics Centre Hongqioao – 4,000 capacity – and it was 95% full.
The moment he appeared – I knew we will be screaming till our throats are sore.
KMG from MMM just walked out from the screen in front of our eyes and started singing My Bus.
After the first 30 seconds I knew he was all out to woo seduce and drive us crazy. His hands were all over the place, moving non-stop, up and down the mike, on him, touching his hair, wriggling his fingers constantly. He was like that the whole night!
He was so high, dancing like it was a Team H party instead of a solo concert. At times his dance moves were seductive sexy.
Other times he was sweet romantic wooing us like a prospective boyfriend. He dropped onto his knees countless times in the middle of his songs.
At all times he was cheeky mischievous cute loveable. He was so happy, laughing and joking with us as if we were long-time close friends.
There were many flying kisses.
He teased, he joked, he smiled, he grinned, he laughed.
He teased us non-stop.
Kept making us scream louder and louder.
He even said the number of songs that he will sing during encore will depend on how loud we screamed.
Boy did we scream!
The whole venue even started stamping our feet while screaming.
Finally he told us to stop.
But he was pleased.
With a serious sober face, he explained that normally in bigger venues he would be wearing a earphone to hear himself sing. But that would affect the atmosphere of the show. So………. he gave us his cheeky smirk, pushed his hair behind both ears…….. and showed us he wasn’t wearing any!
The atmosphere got higher immediately!
But just before he started singing What Should I Do, he gave us another cheeky but sheepish grin – and put on the earphones
I can’t remember much more.
Except these :
* He sat down in the front of stage (on my side!) when he sang Love Letter
* The only time he wore a ear phone was during What Should I Do. When he finished, he grined and pat his chest with mock relief.
* Can You Hear Me seemed much longer than during Seoul.
* Of course – he nailed What Should I Do and Can You Hear Me PERFECTLY!
This was definitely the most high most happy and most sexy show of his I’ve ever attended.
I really do hope he will release a DVD of this show so that all his eels can experience this as well.
25 Oct 2015 – day after Live In Shanghai
Our flight to Osaka was 3.25 pm but we reached airport at 10.45 am to check in – hoping that we would be able to see him board his flight.
We had news that he had changed his flight from Seoul to Osaka and was taking a 1.30 flight.
We also heard that he would not be taking the VIP route again.
We saw him!
We waited for him near his boarding gate.
He was walking on the travellator – facing us – towards us.
There were many eels walking with him, behind him. But there was no one between him and us!
Clear unblocked view.
And with every second – he came nearer, clearer, bigger! Walking to us!
The adrenaline rush was incredible.
Some of us told him we are from Singapore, and he responded with a bow and clasp hand! (silly boy! That’s the Thai greeting, not Singaporean) All I could do was smile brightly and wave to him
Just before he got off the travellator, we ran to where he would take the escalator down to board his plane.
As he started the ride down the escalator, he took off his sunglasses and we got to see his full beautiful face!
We told him to come to Singapore again.
A few of us also told him “see you in Osaka”! When he heard that, he lifted his 2 hands, tilted his head back and smiled.
Then Hazy Lee shouted one of the few Chinese phrases he knows, one he would say without fail during his Chinese shows – 冰淇淋 有吗? (Do you have ice-cream?)
He immediately turned round with a smile and answered us – 有 (have).
We were flying so high!
Hazy then shouted another of his Chinese phrase which he always use to flirt with Chinese eels – 给我电话号码 (give me your phone number)
We never expected his next 2 responses!!!!
Immediately without thinking, he answered us with a hand signal of “call me” – the hand at his ear.
Took him 2 seconds to realize WE were being cheeky and flirting with him! He turned and face us with a grin, pointed and waved his finger at us!!
That was the point we all went nuts and screamed like crazy. He was laughing at us screaming as he disappeared from sight!
We are still high and floating from that few minutes encounter with him!
Great fan account sis … loved hearing how he responded with his “cheeky” eels.
Well… he should know where you all learned it from. Eels learn it from Master Eel!
Wow!!!! Is someone more luckier than you guys walking on earth!!!! There was time for your hearts to jump out of your chests
Thanks so much for sharing a wonderful encounter with Jks.
clearly, thanks for sharing!
Beautiful and precious moments ..thank you for sharing .
So much fun to read!! Love it when the fans do something that surprises him, and y’all did!!! Great FA – thanks
I don´t know how many times I´ve read your FA, Siew Hin. Feel happy every time I read it.
Live in Shanghai, meeting him like that, and than Team H Halloween Party! How does it feel to be happy like that?
On the moon right now Zoe.
So the fall back to earth will be extremely hard and painful when we get home
Nice one hhhhhhhh
Always the cutest my Princejks
I have been following this website for about prolly 4 months now. I fell in love with JKS as soon as I saw his Korean Drama “He’s Beautiful. He was very witty and good looking and he has oozing charisma. From then on, I cannot stop thinking about him. I checked all his youtube videos until I cannot find anythin else. But good thing while I was searching the internet, I found this site.
Thank you for this blog entry.. I felt like I was there at the concert and at the airport. I can imagine everything that you’re telling us and I can imagine his face!
I will keep on following this website everyday!
Dear Jazz,
Welcome to the eels pond
Weeeeeeee Thank you for the warm welcome!

Glad and proud to be an eel!
thank you for sharing! its really great to read all these. Hope I could experience that kind of precious moments.
Really special website! Thank you!
Dear Siew Hin,
Is there any other version
Dear Sister,
I am soooooo jealous after reading ur FA >< ^^
Yes Cathy – but I haven’t written it yet.
*wink wink*
Live In Shanghai is now very hazy – been in a daze after Team H Halloween Osaka
Fighting, Siew Hin!
Maybe writing Team H Halloween FA will make you feel better. You should try it.
Don´t you agree, Cathy?
Yes , yes ,yes !!! Of course 100% agree Zoe ^o^ , and Siew Hin, I want both (the original version one) :p
My FA for Team H Halloween Osaka is on my own FB page.
Go read.
thank you! you are so lucky to see him in the airport~~
i am star stuck in cloud 9 now
I love this fan account! Your writing makes him so alive!!
What a nice fan account – especially of how he answered you when you asked your questions in Chinese!!!
Siew…You mentioned that you hoped that a DVD of his concert Live in Shanghai would be made – well – a one hour highlights of the Live in Shanghai is offered on Disc 2 of his Live in Seoul Dvd. From watching the 1 hour portion of Shanghai concert on the DVD – Everything you said about how wonderful his Shanghai concert was – is TRUE! and I agree 100%!!
I love love your fan accounts!!! Thank you!