6 thoughts on “[fan-made MV] BON VOYAGE! ~Happy Birthday 28th JANG KEUN SUK~”

  1. Hello tenshi,

    Some dumb questions since I am so new to JKS, in which dvd/bluray are the pics from these times on the lovely, very lovely video you made above for his 28th birthday?


    Thank you so much!!

    • Hi Akiko

      This video was not made/uploaded by Tenshi. She’s just sharing it.

      The uploader is “hysogi” who made the video using :
      0:00 to 1:09 – mainly official media photos from his 2015 Crishow 3 concerts.
      1:10 to end – 2012 Crishow 2, Zepp, Team H and mixture of other shows.

      The DVDs for the 2015 Crisho2 3 concerts are now available for pre-orders – release date in October this year.
      But no blue ray versions.

      This is a video of the Day 2 Kobe Arena show on 9 May 2015-it was telecast on a Japan TV.
      It’s only half of the actual telecast.

      The DVD for Arena shows will be featuring Day 2 of the Budokan Arena show.


      • Hello niamki,

        Thank you so much for the in-depth answers/explanation – specially the sad news that it will not be released in BluRay. I have the I Just Wanna Have Fun dvd (this is the most amazing thing I have seen or heard in years – and since I do not know Kpop that much at all except what I hear at a Korean eaterie that blasts KPOP music and lots of EDM) I was so excited to find JKS and Team H and their EDM!!


        I was looking for a particular version of Sexy Back – hopefully on a dvd I can purchase …that was on Youtube – It may be a fancam sigh – but it had really good sound (besides a really great JKs in all black with ponytail), since I can’t seem to find it and bought the 2010 and 2011 asia tour dvds sets – but unfortunately that Sexy Back version – (now I noticed that it is dated 2010 Sept 05 on youtube) it is not on either of these dvds.

        If you know on which dvd it can be found – please let me know – here is the link to the youtube – https://youtu.be/HJqZuPfS7BA?list=RDHJqZuPfS7BA

        Good to know that the Crishow III are available for pre-orders…will have to look into them….

        I will check out the link for the Crishow III that you provided… Thank you again for your answers!

  2. Akiko,

    In 2010, Suk had 2 fanmeets (FM) in Seoul, and a few others in various Asian countries.

    There was a DVD sold for the Asia Tour – which I believe is the one you bought

    For the 2 FMs he held in Seoul :

    1st was in 30 Jan 2010 and only 1,000 copies of the DVD of that FM was released. That DVD was titled Chaos – and I was lucky to have seen an original copy of it from a very long-time eel. I don’t think the DVD was sold publicly.
    These are the links of that FM DVD :
    Part 1 – http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjAwNzI3ODM2.html
    Part 2 -http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjE0MTczOTA4.html
    Part 3 -http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjMwMDE3OTA4.html

    The 2nd FM was titled Last in Seoul was on 5 Sep 2010
    DVD was sold for this FM, but has been out of stock since back in 2011 when I was trying to buy it.
    But you can actually find it on auction sites. It’s the one in small red colored packaging.

    The Sexy Back performance that you are looking for was during the Sept 2010 FM.
    There used to be uploads of that DVD, but I can’t find it anymore.
    However the series of FanCam videos that were uploaded by mamamatonton – titled JKS Korea – it’s the most clear and complete of almost the entire FM.

    JKS Korea 13 – half the views are likely by me!

  3. Niamki,

    Wow – you are too awesome! Thank you so much for that info!! And yes that yellow 4 disc 2010 dvd set was what I bought.

    I had mistakenly thought the Last in Seoul for 2011 was the same one with THAT sexy back performance (with the awesome clothes (all black) and the amazing emphasis on the bass sound)…Still like 2011 a lot too – just have to watch it completely…

    Thank you sooo much for those links – if I can get youku to work that would be even better….working on it…but it seems that if the Mamatonton has the complete all 14 series – that is fine for me too –

    I am going to see if I can buy a copy of the red colored packaging – now that I know exactly what I am looking for – since what I like is the BASS and it may be more pronounced on the original CHAOS dvd….meanwhile – I found the mamatonton vids and they are very nice and clear!!!

    Thank you so much again for your detailed replies – I am going over to the other reply – I had already planned last night on buying the 3 you mentioned – i figured out these were the LIVE ones…

    Thank you so much!


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