22 thoughts on “[Video] JKS with friend_20150804”

    • I agree, Vivi. He seems so serious in the CriShowIII YouTube videos, and I was afraid that he now thinks he should be a serious fellow all of the time. I really do enjoy how terribly talented and handsome he is, but his mischievousness, smile, and laughter are a large part of what makes him so special and appealing in my eyes –

  1. I don´t know how many times I´ve seen it today. 😀 Love when Sukkie is like that. So adorable when he shakes his head looking in to the camera. Would love to know what the friend wants him to say. 😉

    • Lol ! Every time I see the video ( or remember his mischievous eyes) I start laughing, hahahahaha

  2. Remembering that sound, that laugh has made me laugh the whole day, and seeing it again makes sooooo happy! lol!

  3. Your silence is The Thunder.
    A boy growing Man.Waiting.Waiting.Waiting
    I wish for you, not so far,True Love breaks like a Tsunami.

  4. I saw this clip early, in the morning, before going to work. Today, I flew all day, I solved all the situations and I was always with a smile on my face …. To everyone I was a dilemma …. 🙂


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