Original source: Japan Jang Keun Suk fan club website
As we posted in [flash report] Jang Keun Suk 2015 schedule in Japan, his nationwide concert tour in Japan is scheduled after the release of his 3rd solo album. Today the concert schedules were announced in each city, but not announced where the venues are and more detailed info yet.
* hall tour
Osaka: Match 14&15
Niigata: March 26&27
Fukuoka: April 1&2
Okayama: April 9&10
Shizuoka: April 22&23
Hokkaido: May 18&19
* arena tour
Kansai area (around Osaka): May 9&10
Kanto area (around Tokyo): June 2&3
So happy!!!!!!!!!! wow..AP will be travelling a lot the first half of the year…wonder when he will be filming for drama?? He will be superrrr busy again.. very happy for that
wow.. I really hope to visit some of the destination in Japan too especially those which are not the big cities while attending Suk’s concerts… glad Suk is extending to reach out to his eels in 2nd/3rd tier cities in this Japan tour ^_^
Hope you will be there QQeyes and have a great time for all of us who lives far away. I felt a little bit sad actually when I read about all these concerts I can´t attend.
can foreign eels buy the tickets and attend the concert in Japan??
If there is leftover tickets after members have applied, tickets will be offered at public sale at Lawson. I am not sure how Lawson works but if you understand Japanese, you can check it out.
Congratulations Prince,a good start of the year. Hope he can do concerts also in Europe,haha!! But it’s nice to hear that he have a lots of blessings. *_*
18 concerts!! Lucky japanese eels! New album and 2 fan meetings in Tokyo in February. Suk will be very busy next year.
Aaaahh why I’m not Japanese Eels, so lucky there. Hhmm yeeaahh he will very busy next year, I wonder too about he will filming for new drama or not,, however I miss a lot his acting in drama, hopefully
Most likely Suk will be filming drama along with his concert tour like what he did before in 2014 BM drama (with Zepp tour), 2012 Love Rain (with Tokyo Dome), 2010 MMM (with Japan tour).. that is why Suk mentioned 2015 is a very busy year for him. Hope he can take care of his health despite the hectic schedule. His schedule for 2nd half may be another series of concerts which have not been announced yet.
This young man is amazing! Neither finished this crazy, crazy year and already announced a very eventful 2015. We are happy to see him always active but I would like for him a little rest, a break as small for him.
I wish him to think more at himself. God help him to have the power to do everything he put in his mind, to be healthy in body and soul!ZIKZIN dear Prince!
It’s been long he didn’t visit Singapore eels…. Hope to see him soon
So exciting to know that there will be so many dates to choose.
Does anyone of you know if you had plan to come to Singapore for his cri 3 tour please let me know I really hope to see him person thanks
many of us in Singapore are wishing for him to come too as the last time I saw him in SG was back in 2011… after that, every year many of Singapore eels follow him around Asia and we can understand why it is difficult to come to SG as in Japan and Korea, he don’t need any sponsors for his show as I notice he can fund the concerts in Japan and Korea just by ticket sales and his own merchandise.. and the setup (like venue and sound system) is so much better in these 2 countries… for other countries outside Japan and Korea, he needs big sponsors to support those stage setup he planned like Cri show 3 or TeamH central stage… the stage is world class so far I see in Japan and the sound system is so good compared. In fact, there was an article shared before by a Chinese man who were involved in the stage setup with Suk’s Korean team for stage setup in Shenzhen China for Cri show 2 in 2012 (which I also went to back in 2012), the Chinese man commented.. among all the artistes he has seen from the region (China, HK, Taiwan, Korea etc..) whom he has worked with on concert stage setup, he is most impressed with the Cri show 2 concert as the standard is very high above others with all special effect…. imagine he has to bring 100 over staffs from Korea to work with local Chinese production team for the stage at Shenzhen.
So my conclusion for Suk to come to SG is unless there is strong sponsor (with $$$ to spend).. if not, go for the smaller scale 2013-2014 Zepp concert or FM concert (like those in 2010, 2011 when Suk was in SG or 2014 Zikzin Man concert in China ).. that will be good enough for SG eels. In fact, upcoming Seoul TeamH in Jan 2015 is Zepp concept and not Arena concert.
Thanks a lot for the detail explanation we can only pray he can come for small FM in SG soon… Have a blessed New Year for 2015 to you