8 thoughts on “[Pics] JKS Lotte Duty Free Weibo & Instagram”

  1. Oh my God! My ángel face baby!! My prince you are so handsome, those colors in your outfit go perfectly with the color of your soul, clean and beautiful. Thank you my prince for being the way you are, so honest, naive, smart, creative, very talented and very very handsome. But most important of all: with a big big heart!!! I love you with all my heart!!

  2. all i can say prince sukkie,you are definitely has a GEUN SUK qualities:
    you are G-ORGEOUS
    E-LIGIBLE (worthy of choice)
    U-NIQUE and has UNBELIEVABLE talents
    iN-TELLIGENT and smart too.

    has K-ILLER SMILE that could melt a woman’s heart 😉
    i love you prince to the infinite and beyond.. you are so cute!! 😉

      • thank you sudie,those qualities really fits to our prince right?..and i know there’s a lot of good qualities that we can use to describe our prince. 😀

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