[2014-08-29] Tree-J twitter

Actor Jang fulfilled his promise of the Great Wall of China! A real man!!
만리장성 공약을 지킨 장배우! 장사내!!

“Going up to the Great Wall of China…” Jang Keun Suk fulfilled his promise after the number of his Weibo followers in China had exceeded 10 millions. http://me2.do/FNrJtMLQ Source: NAVER news
"만리장성 찍고…" 장근석, 中 웨이보 천만 돌파 공약 이행 http://me2.do/FNrJtMLQ 출처 : 네이버 뉴스

5 thoughts on “[2014-08-29] Tree-J twitter”

  1. You were there but it was not as I have dreamed of, I would love to see you wearing the apricot scarf and doing your gavotte on the Great Wall, kkkkkkk.

  2. Nei ho ma ! Happy for JKS he finally made it in the great wall of China,i know the feeling been there in 2010 feeling you just accomplished one of your dream,and you’re on the top of the world.thank you for sharing this video Tenshi happiest saturday to all xx

  3. A man of word! Very attractive to me!! Thank you Tens hi for sharing with us fans of all over the world.


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