Credit: JKS CHINA OFC Weibo
For about half year preparation, 15 cities together, JKS China OFC with Chinese eels from all over the world put efforts to make “2014 Jang Keun Suk Birthday Wishes MV”. Soon, its mysterious veil will be removed. In 5 days, actor Jang will have his Zikzin Radio Open Show in Shanghai. He will meet with Chinese eels. Are you ready, eels? Let’s first take a quick peek to the MV to warm up! And allow me to say this again: “Asia Prince Jang Keun Suk, Happy Birthday!”
历时近半年,15个城市联动,中官集结世界各地中鳗倾力打造的“2014张根硕生日祝福MV”终于要揭开神秘面纱,再过5天张演员就要在上海Zikzin Open Radio的舞台上和中官鳗鱼们相聚。大家准备好了吗?让我们打开预告视频先睹为快,提前热身吧!也允许我再说一遍:亚洲王子#张根硕生日快乐#
Chinese eels are fantastic. 15 cities and a half year of preparation! So much love for Sukkie! Can´t wait to see the rest of it. Thank you, Springsuk.
I wonder if he will travel to China today. Isn´t opening ceremony for Film Festival in Beijing tomorrow?