[2014-08-01] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

I love you Kim Jae Joong (laughs)
사랑해요 김재중wwwww

Lee Hong Gi: Roppongi Ichiran. Come on!
JKS: What are you there for?

“@skullhong: 롯퐁기 이치랑으로 컴온” ㅡ거기 뭐하는대냐

Lee Hong Gi: The best ramen shop in the world. kkk
JKS: It’s Kamukura!!

“@skullhong: @AsiaPrince_JKS 세상에서 제일맛잇는 라면이요 ㅋㅋㅋ”ㅡ그것은 가마쿠라!!

Until late at night, aerobic exercise in the club. And weight training now.
A serious man. This time you can expect more than ever..

새벽까지 클럽에서 유산소. 그리고 웨이트.
성실한 남자. 이번에는 기대가 남다르다..

tenshi_akuma’s note: I’m sure what he mentioned ‘aerobic exercise’ must be dancing XD But some Korean media mistook that ‘the club’ means sport club. So they praised him that he did exercise during midnight. kkk

Eel: Where shall I touch?
JKS: Piss me off! (laughs)

“@showerin: @AsiaPrince_JKS 어디 만져볼까?”ㅡむかつくごのやろwwwww

Jae Joong: I’m your fan, Keun-chan. (laughs)
JKS: I think you drank a lot last night, but are you OK? I’m preparing for going to jyj membership week ^^^^^^^ (laughs)

“@bornfreeonekiss: @AsiaPrince_JKS 팬이에요 근찡wwww”ㅡ어제 많이 마신것 같은데 괜찮아요? 저는 jyj멤버쉽위크 가려고 준비중이에요^^^^^^^wwwwww

tenshi_akuma’s note: JYJ ‘MEMBERSHIP EVENT’ is a kind of showcase for their fans. It is held for 4 days, from July 31st to August 3rd. Many fans are attending there.

Jae Joong: Right. Nevertheless, I’m working hard now~ By the way, you’re so interested in jyj membership, aren’t you? ^^^^^^^^ (laughs)
JKS: Is it COEX D hall or C hall? I’m going to see you guys from now. I’m getting so excited!!

“@bornfreeonekiss: @AsiaPrince_JKS 네 그럼에도 전 열심히 일하고 있는중이에요~jyj멤버쉽 위크가 그렇게 재밌다면서?^^^^^^^^wwwww”ㅡ코엑스 d홀c홀 입니까? 나는 지금 그들을 만나러 갑니다. 가슴이 매우 흥분!!

Jae Joong: Keun-chan, I heard your birthday is coming soon. Great! I want to go to your birthday party. (excited) Would you invite me?
JKS: I’m very happy and so excited! I’m waiting for you everyday!! I will call you without fail!!!

“@bornfreeonekiss: @AsiaPrince_JKS 근찡 그는 곧 생일이라고 한다.대단해! 생일파티에 가고싶다.(흥분)
초대를 해주시겠습니까?”ㅡ그것은 매우 기쁘고 흥분되는것! 나는 매일 당신의 것을 기다려!!곡 전화합니다!!!

Jae Joong: I will wait for your phone call. (laughs) Do you do exercise? I will do exercise, too. I hope you’ll be healthier. (laughs) ^^
@AsiaPrince_JKS 기다리겠다 너의 전화(笑)
운동을 하러 갑니까?나도 운동을 하겠어 입니다.건강해질것을 예상합니다wwww^^

BIG BROTHER (to JKS & Jae Joong): What are you playing…. (laughs) as if you’re using a translator?
@AsiaPrince_JKS @bornfreeonekiss 이게 지금 무슨….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 번역기어야?

tenshi_akuma’s note: I heard today’s exchanges between Jae Joong and JKS were a bit weird. Their Korean sounded not natural. They were like using automatic translator. Most of their fans don’t understand Korean language, so they use automatic translation functions from their native languages to Korean. Their exchange seemed by non-Korean natives. That’s why BB pointed out so.

JKS (to Jae Joong): I’m embarrassed, but I bought all these for you. (smile) If you couldn’t come, I would be very unhappy! (T_T)
@bornfreeonekiss 당신을 위해 전부 사버렸다 부끄러운. (웃음) 만약 당신이 올 수 없다면 그것은 매우 불행해져버린 내 자신의 것!(T_T)

JKS (to BB): Mr. muscle, are you into this, too?! We’re very excited!!
“@bigbrothersound: @AsiaPrince_JKS @bornfreeonekiss 이게 지금 무슨….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 번역기어야?”ㅡ근육씨 당신도 이것에 빠져버린것?! 우리는 매우 흥분하고 있다!!

Jae Joong (to JKS): I’ve already known that.
I’ve also prepared for that. All these things will be into your stomach, Keun-chan. (laughs)

@AsiaPrince_JKS 이미 나는 알고있었다.
나 역시 준비가 되어있었다.이 모든게 근찡?의 내장으로 들어가겠어요.wwww

JKS (to Jae Joong): I’m very surprised!! Jae Joong, you’re a genuine eels!! Our eels have become grilled because of your love!! (laughs)
“@bornfreeonekiss 매우놀라!! 재중 당신의것 역시 진정한 장어였던 것!! 우리 장어들은 당신의 사랑에 모두 카바야키가 되어버렸다!! wwww(웃음)

Jae Joong (to JKS): (≧∇≦)OMG… I’m in danger (laughs) ~~~
@AsiaPrince_JKS (≧∇≦)오또케 위험해(웃음) や~~~

Jae Joong: See you tomorrow ^^
明日会おう^ ^내일보자구
tenshi_akuma’s note: I suppose this tweet was for Jae Joong (JYJ)’s fans.

JKS (to jksjapan): We have an adult conversation now! Don’t break into us. You should exit. (laughs)
@jksjapan 지금 어른들이 대화하고 있어! 당신은 빠져주십시오 wwwww

tenshi_akuma’s note: @jksjapan tweeted a promotional news about ‘Beautiful Man (Bel Ami)’ summer festival at 18:17. Probably he meant their tweet suddenly appeared in his timeline with a different tone. That’s why I think he tweeted to them.

JKS: See you tomorrow! I’m waiting here!

tenshi_akuma’s note: I suppose this tweet was for eels. Because ZIKZIN Radio open recording is held on August 2nd. But he tweeted in Japanese… maybe he responded to JJ’s tweet in Japanese.

jksjapan: (^∇^)
JKS: laughing??

“@jksjapan: @AsiaPrince_JKS (^∇^)”ㅡわらってる??

Eel: Your alarm sound never stops. It’s Korean radio. You should say in Korean!!!!!
JKS: See you tomorrow! I’m waiting for you! [he used hangul characters, but the sentence was still Japanese! Lol.]

“@Bong0804: @AsiaPrince_JKS 니 알람 쩔게 울림. 그라고 한국 라됴자나. 한국말로 촘 해!!!!!”ㅡ아시타아오우 코치라코소 맛떼루까라

Eel: It means Korean, not hangul……!
“@skthtj: @AsiaPrince_JKS @Bong0804 한국말……확 마!”ㅡ뭠 마~

COEX, really far away..
코엑스 참 멀다..

JJ’s fan: Last admission to (jyj) membership week is 6:30 pm !!!!!
JKS: It’s over.. The traffic isn’t moving..

“@inheaven_wJYJ: @AsiaPrince_JKS 멤버쉽위크 마지막 입장 6시반이에여!!!!!”ㅡ망했다..차가 안움직여..

11 thoughts on “[2014-08-01] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter”

  1. Thanks so much for translating all these tweets Tenshi Akuma! I love it when he’s playful with eels 🙂

  2. Thanks sis Tenshi for translating and sharing.. To be honest, I am waiting for your complete translations since last night.. I’ve read many translations yesterday from different sites but yours in my opinion is the most accurate precise and complete.

    • The same with me. And not only accurate translation but all the explanations are so helpful!!! Thank you Tenshi very much.

    • i agree! was waiting for this too due to dear Tenshi’s notes ^^ thanks a lot dear Tenshi! i hope you enjoyed writing this one up. it was indeed hilarious reading their exchange.

  3. I am very happy that our Prince are surrounded with many good and loyal friends like Hongki and Jaejoong… I love their exchanging conversations..

  4. I’ve never told you that I really admire your dedication and hard work?
    surely yes! 🙂
    so thank you again tenshi_akuma.
    JKS is really blessed to have a fan like you.
    I feel forced to say that because you deserve encouragements all the time.
    Fighting and Keep ZIKZIN 😉


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