[Notice] “ZikZin Day” 2014 event by eels all over the world

UPDATE: added more event schedules in each time zone

“ZikZin Day” 2014 event was planned for eels all over the world to show our support to JKS. The details are as follows. We posted the English and Spanish guidance here. We hope you’ll join this event and have fun together ^^

Original source: Zikzin Day 2014 Facebook event page
In English:

“ZikZin Day”
The eels on “June 10” will be reunited in all social networks that we are registered, publicizing this special day for each.

What is the meaning ZikZin?
ZikZin is “neither left nor right, go straight to the goal”, a feeling, a struggle, a dream we have, gives us strength to go on in each goal that we set.

Why June 10?
It is the first time that Jang Geun Suk appointed him on Twitter.

How to do it?
-In states of Facebook. Example: “Today is June 10! ZikZin becomes present for the eels “put profile pictures, cover, and share images from the pages that we promote.
-In tweets with #ZikZinDay
For the eels who do not know how to use Twitter: when updating their status put “# ZikZinDay (and what you feel)” and send the tweet.
For the eels that have Weibo, ameblo, me2day or other social networks … Put in our state, pictures or images that say “June 10 ZikZin Day”

What do we get through this?
It is our way, that this word so important for us and for our Prince, has his special moment.

The event will start
South Korea on June 10 at 00hs
Japan: oo.oo HS 10/6/2014

In Argentina and Uruguay The event will start at 12PM on June 9
Chile: 11 am June 9
Paraguay: 11 am June 9
Panama: 10 am June 9
Colombia 10 a.m.del June 9
El Salvador: 9 am June 9
Brasil – São Paulo June 9 at 11 am
10 a.m Mexico (Mexico City time) on 9 June
Perú (Lima) 10 a.m June 9
Ecuador (Quito by schedule) 10 am June 9
Bolivia (La Paz Time) 11:00 a.m June 9
Nicaragua 9pm June 9
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 11.00 am June 9
Venezuela 11:30 am June 9
Spain: 5 pm June 9
East Coast USA 11:00 a.m.
Pacific America 8 a.m.
Philippines / Singapore 11 p.m.
China: 11 p.m.
Indonesia 10 p.m.
Bangladesh 9 pm (21hs) 9 June
Thailandia: 10 pm (22 hs) 9 June
Malasia: 11pm (23hs) 9 June
India: 08:30 PM (20:30) 9 June
Iran : 06:30PM (18:30) 9 June
Sri Lanka 8:30p.m. (20:30) 9 June

En español:

“Día ZikZin”
Las anguilas el “10 de junio” (hora coreana) estaremos reunidas en todas las redes sociales que estemos registradas, dando a conocer este día tan especial para cada una.

¿Qué significa ZikZin?
ZikZin es “ni izquierda ni derecha ir recto a la meta”, un sentimiento, una lucha, un sueño que tenemos, nos da fuerzas para seguir adelante en cada meta que nos ponemos.

¿Por qué el 10 de junio?
Es la primera vez que Jang Geun Suk lo nombra en Twitter.

¿Cómo hacerlo?
-En estados de Facebook. Ejemplo: “Hoy es ¡10 de junio! ZikZin se hace presente para las anguilas” poner imágenes de perfil, portada, y compartir imágenes desde las páginas que lo promocionemos.
-En tweets con el #ZikZinDay
Para las anguilas que no sepan cómo usar Twitter: cuando van a actualizar su estado poner “#ZikZinDay (lo que sientan)” y envían el Tweet.

Intentaremos lograr trending mundial, comenzará a las 12 (del medio día, en Argentina) del 9 de junio, y trataremos que el Hashtag sea uno de los primeros.
Nuestros países llevan diferencia de horas con Corea del Sur por eso, trataremos de hacer hashtag cuando en Corea sea las 00.00 del día 10 de junio.

El evento es en el horario coreano osea
Corea del Sur a las 00.00 del 10 de junio
Japon: oo.oo hs 10/6/ 2014

Pero estos Países será el 9 DE JUNIO
Argentina y Uruguay 12 PM medio día del 9 de Junio
Chile: 11 am del 9 de junio
Paraguay: 11 am
Colombia 10 a.m.
Costa Rica: 9 am del 9 de junio.
Honduras: 9 am del 9 de junio.
El Salvador: 9 am del 9 de junio
Brasil – São Paulo 9 de junio a las 11 a.m.
México 10 a.m (horario del DF) del 9 de junio
Panamá: 10 am del 9 de junio.
Perú (Lima) 10 a.m del 9 de junio
Ecuador (por horario de Quito) 10 a.m del 9 de junio
Bolivia (horario de Paz) 11.00 a.m del 9 de junio
Nicaragua 9 p.m. del 9 de junio
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana 11.00 a.m. del 9 de junio
Venezuela 11:30 a.m. del 9 de junio
España: 5 pm del 9 de junio
Costa este de USA 11am
Estados unidos Pacifico 8 a.m.
Filipinas/Singapore 11 p.m.
China: 11 p.m.
Indonesia 10 p.m.
Bangladesh 9 pm (21hs) 9 Junio
Talandia 10 pm (22 hs) 9 Junio
Malasia 11pm (23hs) 9 Junio
India 08:30 PM (20:30) 9 Junio
Irán 06:30 PM (18:30) 9 Junio
Sri Lanka 8:30 p.m. (20:30) 9 junio

Para las anguilas que tengamos Weibo, Ameblo, Me2day u otras redes sociales… Poner en nuestros estados, fotos o imágenes que digan “10 de junio Día ZikZin”

¿Qué queremos conseguir con esto?
Es nuestra manera de que esta palabra tan importante para nosotras y para nuestro Príncipe, tenga su momento especial.

36 thoughts on “[Notice] “ZikZin Day” 2014 event by eels all over the world”

  1. Sounds super fun! My country is not included, how sad! Obviously, we don´tt have internet because we live in a black hole. Not only because of money, social networks are banned, I write from my office and I risk my job. No matter, I will be with you forever Zikzin. I love you JKS. Have fun Eels!

  2. Eels, if your country is not included please let us know to make the cover .. thanks!!… #zikzinday! !!!..

  3. Hi guys! Please include Thailand, I am not originally from here but I was based here for three years now. And I am sure there are thousands of eels here too! Can’t wait for the day! Happy Friday everyone!

  4. Zanierpk (Malaysia), Christine (Thailand), Sumaiya (Bangladesh) for eels from any other countries not listed in the example above, you can join in too but you can use the link below to convert to the timezone in your country.
    Use Korean date/time as the reference date/time and convert to any country.

    FROM South Korea at 00:00 on June 10 —> TO your own country (please specify the country you are in)

  5. The timezone for each contry (This is written in the event ^^ )
    The event will start inSouth Korea on June 10 at 00hs
    Japan: oo.oo HS 10/6/2014

    In Argentina and Uruguay The event will start at 12PM on June 9
    Chile: 11 am June 9
    Paraguay: 11 am June 9
    Panama: 10 am June 9
    Colombia 10 a.m.del June 9
    El Salvador: 9 am June 9
    Brasil – São Paulo June 9 at 11 am
    10 a.m Mexico (Mexico City time) on 9 June
    Perú (Lima) 10 a.m June 9
    Ecuador (Quito by schedule) 10 am June 9
    Bolivia (La Paz Time) 11:00 a.m June 9
    Nicaragua 9pm June 9
    Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 11.00 am June 9
    Venezuela 11:30 am June 9
    Spain: 5 pm June 9
    East Coast USA 11:00 a.m.
    Pacific America 8 a.m.
    Philippines / Singapore 11 p.m.
    China: 11 p.m.
    Indonesia 11 p.m.
    Bangladesh 9 pm (21hs) 9 June
    Thailandia: 10 pm (22 hs) 9 June
    Malasia: 11pm (23hs) 9 June

  6. This is great! can’t wait ! :-)and the time is very convinient,with fans around the world it will trend in twitter and other social networking.praying for you all the way #JKS.thank you Tensi xx

  7. hello.i am from Italy.here JKS have a lot of fans too who love him.please include Italy too.i hope that JKS feels that for us he is prince of the world.fighting oppa.

  8. I’m from Romania. I found our profile. It is very nice and thank you. Now we are in the middle of the event and I was surprised by myself how much inspiration gave me the ZIKZIN concept. It is true that just going straight ahead we might be able to fulfill our dreams. Well said my brilliant Keun Suk !!!
    ZIKZIN together around the world!


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