15 thoughts on “[Pic] ZIKZIN LIVE TOUR in ZEPP DVD Collectors Edition [DVD]”

  1. Good day ms.tenshi, can i ask you a favor?
    Where and how can i order collector’s edition.
    I’ve tried at koari.net but i did not understand
    Nihongo and i don’t know how to order.
    Please do me a favor. Thanks.

  2. Hi Zoe,

    Yesasia only has Region 2 DVDs available . Do you know if they will release the All Regions version ?


    • No. Only region 2 is available. It’s not only happened to Jang Keun Suk but to other artists, DVDs released by Japanese company don’t have English subtitles and they are released as region 2. Because Japanese companies see only Japanese market. Instead, Korean companies see international market, so they release DVDs with English, Chinese, and Japanese subtitles and as region all. In Suk DVD, they partially have Japanese subtitles. During his stage, he speaks Japanese, so no necessary to be translated to Japanese, but in BTS he speaks Korean with staff, so it has Japanese subtitles.

      • Hi Tenshi,

        Thanks for the explanation. It’s so sad for us non-JP/Korean fans 🙁 I would like to buy also the 2012 Magical Cri Show DVD but again it’s only available for Region 2. I hope one day (soon) the JP companies will expand to international market !

        Thank you so much for the updates on this website! You are JKS’s Super Champ Eel! God bless!

      • Hi Amyli

        Although the DVDs are for Region 2, we can still play it on all DVD recorders.
        The only problem is we cannot play Region 2 DVDs on our laptops/computers.

        I do not stay in a country in Region 2, but I have had no problems viewing all the DVDs.

      • Hi Niamki,

        Thanks for the info, but my DVD players do not play Region 2 & 3 :-(. Maybe I should buy one that does. Any recommendation?

      • Hi Amyli,

        I think most popular brands of DVD players are now region-free. I tried Pioneer and Sony, both can play region 1, 2 and 3 DVDs. Or maybe if you really need to buy one you can check with the sales assistant that you want a region free DVD player which nowadays is priced more affordable.

      • Ha…ha…Dear Ally, you just told me that I’m behind time :-). It’s true. My DVD players are quite old. I rarely use them anymore. I watch everything through my computer or Netflix. Thank you for your advice & for opening my eyes :-). And thanks JKS too. By loving him & following him, I learn something new every day 🙂

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