Credit: Lubna Almomani from ECI
Jang Keun Suk should be proud of this. Eels are proud of this!
Final numbers and things that were donated are, Rice: 16.36 Tons. 2,000 Eggs, Powder Milk: 30 Cans, Diapers: 2.400 pieces. These will be sent to the needy all over the places.
ECI/’s donation
Someone should add jks’s entry into the Wikipedia article on fan rice! 🙂 yay for all the good work being done by eels on his behalf!
I’m glad so much can be donated to the community for charity purpose, Zikzin all eels!!!
Both JKS and Eels are proud of this amazing record of donations! Zikzin all eels!
I apreciate what ells have done to our sukkie…it is much much better if we donated them to the haiyan victims in Philipine
God never forget them and help all who donot forget needy people ,so nice activity i really love it.
Such a good idea…even better than only flowerbaskets..those get wasted other can profit from this..