UPDATE: Tomorrow is the 2nd and the final attempt to tweet this. Check when it is.
Team H U.S. tour was postponed, but it was originally scheduled on June 22nd in Los Angeles and 28th on San Jose. We would like to tweet to Team H, Jang Keun Suk and Big Brother to show our continuous support. Even if you’re not US eels, we appreciate your joining our attempt as one of international eels. We believe U.S. tour is the first step to the world. They said to go to Russia, too. Let’s show them we international eels are always with Team H!
[The detail]
Let’s tweet for cheering Team H on scheduled Team H concert date.
* 2013/06/22 at 19:30 in Los Angeles
* 2013/06/28 at 20:00 in San Jose
*When: 2013/06/23 at 11:30 (Korean local time)
*When: 2013/06/29 at 12:00 (Korean local time)
–> Please check your local time!
Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator
*Hashtag: #USWantsTeamH
–> Without # is still OK. Because it’s easier to make trending without that.
*How: We just must tweet with the word (hashtag) ” USWantsTeamH “
–> Please send your best support to Sukkie & Big Brother twitter
–> To Jang Keun Suk: @AsiaPrince_JKS
–> To Big Brother (a.k.a. Kurt): @bigbrothersound
–> To Tree-J company: @treeJ_company
You can tweet with something shows our support. For example, some links for supportive posts. We introduce some links here on jksforever. You can add Team H MV links or pics. Please tweet to them on your own way! Zikzin, eels!!!
[Pics] US eels are promting Team H US tour, posting posters
[Notice] Scheduled Team H U.S. tour has been postponed
[fan-made MV] Cheering Up and Thankful MV to US Eels
I already tweeted my support and asked all eels in app to do the same. Still sad concert was postponed but hope Team H is not sad and has fun preparing for and celebrating Big Brother’s birthday. Zikzin!
Or, tenshi_akuma, have JKS post: “Tweet #USWantsTeamH (on Twitter)” in his LINE to trend, quickly.
thanks tenshi
Tweeted! Thanks (Now Driving) Tenshi!
Second attempt? did we fail miserably the first time? So, Saturday night US time of show tweet whatever in support, OK will do.
No, Friday night in San Jose. Please check your local time.
* 2013/06/28 at 20:00 in San Jose
* 2013/06/29 at 12:00 (Korean local time)
That’s right, thanks.
ごめんなさい I understand and thank you. If you had your ticket or were planning to attend tonight’s concert, or just want to show support, please tweet #USWantsTeamH at 8 p.m. (Pacific) time — while wearing your bikini. ^^ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Tweeted! #USWantsTeamH. ok ;).
thanks tenshi!
★★★ tenshi always making a good job.