A beautiful man and a beautiful…………… hat…………
Wow.. When was this..? kk I was itching to tell you..
예쁜남자와 예쁜……………모자…………
와 이게 벌써 언제적이야..ㅋㅋ입간지러워 죽는줄 알았네..
tenshi_akuma’s note: As you know, the man is Song Byeong-joon, CEO and executive producer of group 8 that produces Beautiful Man”. According to Sukkie’s costume, it was on March 12? Please refer to [12.03.2013] Tree-J twitter
Great observation there Kaori chan! Fingers crossed that JKS will cut his hair a bit shorter.
i’m sure this drama will fail …. sorry but the korean fans hate him cuz he such flower boy type ; and now he comes and do a drama that will let him look like a girl again. i mean c’mom he is a good actor and every body wanted to see him in a new style .an action maybe , but a year of thinking and that is all that he can come up with? i was so sure that he will be changed for his new drama but no
i mean their is alot of kactors that are very beautiful and hansome but you dont see them talking about how hansome the are all the time , we know you’re beautiful jks but you dont have to tell us that in every single drama you make . i love your acting so much and i really think he made a huge mistake again and i think this drama is goona fail more than LR in korea unless the have a supper actress witch i dont think it will happen cuz good actresses afried of jks due to his consteant drama failure.
Oh you really make me worry now. I got your point and it totally makes sense. Though I will support him in whatever project he takes and trust his acting abilities, but we can’t deny that if koreans have decided to ditch his not even starting yet drama, then it will be a flop. God please help our AP. He’s too good to deserve this, the beautiful man with beautiful heart
omg sam that is harsh … give him a chance this could be a great drama who knows :_
but i also think he could chose diffrent areas , but is that what is he wanted to do i’ll watched it any way . i trust his acting and enjoys it so much . but i really love to see him fresh again like he really should cut his hair . i mean he had it for ages and a change is always what makes an actor so loved , that is a lession that jks is learing the hard way i think … but i will never ever give up on him no matter what he does . even if i’m the only one watching this drama
i have the same feeling..lets hope for the best..dont throw conclusion before anything start.actually..u r not the only person wish to see him act in action movie or drama.maybe..he will do it one day..and if he dont..i dont mind..as long as i enjoy watching him. i will support prince all the way..zikzin BM.
i don’t know why there are people in Korea that don’t love their own.. this guy JKS loved by millions of fans because he has his own way of sharing and showing his talents.. He makes people laugh, cry, loved, hate, inspire etc.. Even he is already famous in other parts of Asia especially in Japan, he is not snob, you can still see him talking with fans even before the concert and even if he is tired. Give this guy a break, we can’t force people to like him as well, but his way of talking about how handsome he is, for me it means he has self-confidence and feel at ease with anybody/everybody, not bragging about his looks. At first i don’t like JKS when i first saw his film You’re My Pet because he looked like a gay, but as i browse on the internet and following even people that are dear to him, i got to learn that this guy is just an ordinary guy that knows what he’s doing and loves what he’s doing and has a dream. For a guy like him that has a big dream is better than someboday that don’t know which direction he has to take. Sorry to say this to you, i consider conversation like this is healthy, communicating with someboday you don’t even know is fun.. sorry. . Lastly, one more thing why i love JKS is because he is very close to his parents, esp. his mother- THAT IS PRICELESS……. Hoping to see him soon if i got a chance to visit Korea if GOD allows..
I agree with you… he s an actor who love and value his fans… he realy think hes an ordnary person……he s a very talented person ….evry one please don’t judge and crtisze him coz you don’t know him very wll…..f u guys love him just support him n evry way.do not critisze him bcause jks love 2 do what he think will make him happy,… …
Sam, actually I have the same feeling and I agree with you. Koreans like men to have a tough image. Why didn’t JKS chose some other type of drama ? He really needs to change his image in the minds of Koreans in order for them to accept him. I still support and will watch his drama and buy his products. Anyway, God bless him!
I am a steady fan of JKS, whatever he produces. However, some of his pictures enclosed with his CD’s do make him look extremely feminine, even though at the same time attractive. I am eager to see his next drama and maybe I will be able to understand much more Korean by that time as I have been really working on it. I am a language (usually with Western languages) and music addict and became an ardent fan while listening to his album “Let Me Cry”. I was so disappointed that his concert in Los Angeles was postponed. I want him to see that in the U.S.A. smoking is not considered “cool” – it is so damaging to his marvelous voice. Maybe if he did military service, his physique would be toughened up – a marvelous mix of flawless face and sculpted body. Dena in Seattle, U.S.A.
Hi Breenda 1a im not a Korean, but each one of has our own image even though God created us equal. JKS has his own playful style and that what’s make people liked him so much in all ages. We cannot change his image to be tough like what you said or the way Koreans want. That is his style and his true self and it make me and millions of fans to loved him. I understand JKS very much, maybe because I’m an August-born also, and i’m playful, sincere, down to earth, cheerful and easy to get along with others. I can see myself with this guy though im a female. Give him a chance, we can’t force all Koreans to love him, but JKS, aside from Korean-American Daniel Henney (Spring Waltz), Lee Min Ho (Boys Over Flower and the casts), is one of the reasons why i want to visit Korea, tastes their food, try their fashion and smell their flowers.. See what JKS did to me!
Hey it’s me again.. millions are waiting for this new drama of JKS, neighboring countries are there to welcome him. He is the one bringing the gold to Korean producers and yet you are telling here that his drama will flop in their own country. Give JKS a chance, he is very hardworking.. God bless him always
saranghae mansibang
you are so right ..agree with you big time
korean fans dont know what they are missing .. i mean LR and all of his dramas was a success in all over seas and they should treat him better cuz he is a huge source of fame and money to them and they should be proud to have such a great guy like him who puts their flag up high
any ways who needs kfans when he has all of asia supporting him ? i mean what is korea anti fans compared to eels all over the world!
overseas population that believe in JKS i think is much bigger… than people that are always findng faults in him. pity for those people who can be so critical with others but not on their own.
I don’t have high hopes for this drama but maybe it can surprise us since he read the script. I am also not for him taking another manga character especially when he spent almost one year choosing the role. I don’t want him to be typecast. Tree J needs to employ someone who can help him select a good drama. I definitely hope i am wrong and this new drama is good. Regardless, i will still watch the drama as i love to see him act. At least i know that even if the drama is not good, he will still do his best and act well.
Though the writer has not written any drama, some of her movies are quite good. but the original manga isn’t. It isn’t a really popular manga. I just hope that the scriptwriter make big changes to the original plot. The original plot is quite childish and most of the characters are very weird to the point of irritating. I hope the writer tone down some of the characters and add more substance to the drama.
I heard it is supposed to air in Oct, but this is just a rumour. The fact that no confirmation that any broadcast stations has purchased the drama worries me since it is set to film in late July. I don’t want it to end up like KHJ drama being sold to other countries but without a chance to air in Korea.
If it is true, then it will be at the same time as his good friend’s Drama ‘Heirs’
Park Shin Hye and Lee Min Ho. I cannot say who is better but is definitely
JKS will have to share his viewers.
Korean do not think khj as an actor. He is just an idol singer with poor action skill. please do not compare jks with other idol.
Min, I think no need to worry broadcasting stations has purchased the drama as I believe it could be which one can pay the highest price to broadcast ^_^
I guess we don’t have to guess as they will disclose when it is near to the filming.
How can you say he will look like a girl? Just because the title is beautiful or pretty man does not mean he’ll be acting or looking like a girl. How can a character who is given a mission to seduce women attracts those women if he is like a gay? C’mon definitely if that is the plot then he needs to act manly & at the same time charming. Can’t wait for this drama & see how JKS would give life to the lead character.
Well, it is true that some of his photos enclosed with his CD’s and DVD’s make him look extremely feminine, although at the same time attractive. I have bought all I could of his work from Yes Asia (no publicity or market in the U.S.A.) and I have never been disappointed with his work. I am eagerly awaiting this new drama and I am sure he will make it believable and very enjoyable. The Korean people who are not fans do not know what they are missing! Dena. a fan from Seattle, U.S.A.
Ms. Dena photos are different – he may look feminine in some of his photos but i was never dissapointed with any of his looks in his dramas not to mention his acting is superb, excellent, heart touching, mesmerizing etc. I really love him as an actor & with his deep captivating voice we eels will be surely glued again on the screen to watch him in his next drama.
so far..im never disappoint with his style in movies or dramas..just hope this one will be pretty than girly..but strangely..i always see him as a man even with girly clothes..
Sam, actually I never worry about the Korean TV rating all the while when I watch any dramas (not only Korean).. when I watched YAB a few years back before JKS becomes popular.. just watching the 1st episode of YAB, I told my sister, this actor is going to be very popular in Asia and the drama will be a hit.. this is after I have watched many dramas from Korea, HK, Taiwan and Japan.. .
Why I have this instinct because when I see JKS in YAB, I immediately feel that he looks like those comic character I used to read a lot in my teenage days.. not only his images, but his mannerism.. and his unique acting and expression.. In comics character, the men are always slender (and not bulky) but well built and tall… and the eyes are expressive.. and in Sukkie’s acting in MMM.. he is just like the live manga character.. though I don’t like the scripts of MMM but I love the acting of Sukkie and MGY in the drama.
Everyone is hoping to have Sukkie in a serious drama and when he did Love Rain, although eels and many non-eels love the drama, but as many has said the rating is not good in Korea (which I don’t bother too as all the while I don’t look at TV rating in Korea but based on my own analysis of the market preference like I said earlier of YAB). I have a feeling this new drama will be a hit with eels and fans and I think he made a smart move to take up this drama when he is still young.. many young actors took up drama roles which are appealing to audience (which contribute to TV rating) but as they grow older, they miss the opportunity to play many other roles which they should play when they were younger.. for Sukkie, his focus is to play many different roles he can near to his age and this group of audience (eels) who love his acting will grow older with him.. so when at a later age, he can play any other roles like historical or action dramas with roles suitable for his age.. and also he has stable audience (his eels who follow him and also those fans who prefer historical dramas and action dramas) We can see many older or middle age actors have limited choice in their acting career.. and many can’t take the younger roles like Beautiful Man, YAB or LOVE RAIN as they will look awkward no matter how good is their acting.. I’m analysis by putting in Sukkie’s position.. the choice are wider now and should play roles which fit.. in 2008 BV, he already proven he is a good actor as he got the best new actor awards for playing the 2nd lead and that is one drama I first watched of Sukkie but it didn’t make me go to look for his name until YAB. In 2007-2008 Happy Life movie, he also got the best new actor award.. all at young age for serious roles. So I don’t see why he can have the choice now to pick the roles he wants. He will definitely get other acting awards but I always believe the choice is his.. as eels we trust his decision.
QQ..I must agree with you..
High ratings doesn’t equal memorable!!
Even LR is talked about as a failure for me it’s not. Sukkies acting in LR is all that is attractive to me…and commercially a very hugh succes
I don’t get the logic they blame the low ratings on JKS for as far as I know there were many korean favorites in the drama who they seems to think more highly off but why they did not managed to blow up the ratings one might wonder..
I’m sure allthough the title for this moment is misleading, it’s no reason to bash Sukkie for his choice…
I’m sure as his eel he will surprise us with the outcome for he himself said…he does not want to repeat himself..(lesson learned from MMM) he wants to play different roles and learn from it and he does it for fun and learning and not for the money..
IMO If Sukkie has to seduce 10 women to get his way…he has to at least play 10 different “roles” as to manage to seduce those women…and come 11…what will he do??? lol
Meanwhile he will be a “bad” guy because he’s just using those women to get what he wants..O…I so anticipate this drama
And remember Sukkie always answer the questions about his hair…if he would cut off his hair for an acting job…of cource!!!!!!!! I’m an ACTOR
What kind of eels are we if we show weakness…even if we have your doubts we should be more supportive for it’s so premature to judge already..
spouting our doubts gives the anties even more reason to bash our prince…and then we have no reason to say the anties are bad!!
As JKS said
When are we gonna learn not to waver but to be strong in your convictions…and that’s the love we can feel…in this case for Sukkie
Hi Sam: Very interesting post. You seem so sure and full of yourself that i can’t help but wonder if you can see into the future. To many of us who are looking forward to this drama especially because “The Most Beautiful Man in the World” AP-JKS himself has chosen to act in this drama are sure it’s going to be a hit.
It would be wise to refrain from claiming that Korean fans hate him. Hate is a strong word. From my observation there are some Korean fans who dislike him and that’s their choice. I am an optimist and i see that there are many who acknowledge him as a good actor like you do. There are people and organizations who acknowledge the good works he has contributed to his country. He has worked himself to a position where he is no ordinary person but someone to be admired for all his achievements at a young age.
No worries about his girly looks in this drama. As QQ has already explained, he’s going to be seducing 10 women and by golly….i can’t wait to see the sexy AP-JKS in action. Of course we wish to see him in an action plot too. There’s lots of time for that whereas he won’t be doing dramas like this after a certain age. As for “good actresses afraid to act with him because of his continuous failure.” You must be kidding, right? Get your facts straight. Does he look like a person who has failed to you? I’m sure you know his income but I’m interested to know which actress will be good enough for him. As you have stated he is a good actor, i find it worth while to share my opinions with you. As you will agree that he takes his work very seriously. He has stated while making a decision through an interview, it is not only the script and the director but also the actress taking part is important.
If you follow him closely enough and pay attention to what he says; it is serious stuff. He always follows through and gives his all to every project. So there is nothing but admiration one could have for him. So negative comments to me are just pointless coming from naive ones who are still interested enough to comment. His every project is unique and so we look forward with great excitement to “The Most Beautiful Man in the World” AP-Jang Keun Suk’s upcoming drama.
OMO, how can a guy be this beautiful? I also hope he will cut his hair, as the long hair maked him even more beautiful, thus it’s like seeing a character from fairy tale. unrealistic
sorry, typo: made*
Sis you are making a valid point – but let’s not be mislead by this picture or by the drawing of the manga character as shown on AsianWiki.
In order to seduce 10 successful women, that person has to appeal to at least the general(female) public – we all know that JKS is versatile and he can be masculine or feminine or BOTH at the same time – so what are the chances of the script writer/character designer choosing JKS with the crazy-wild-feminine-team-H look over JKS with the 20th-anniversary-dinner look over to substantiate the story? Which one is more convincing? I am not really an expert in script writing, but it seems that 20th-anniversary-dinner look will be much more convincing. I know how Dokgo Ma-Te was like on manga but let’s be realistic – it is not quite reasonable to just copy that look from manga right?
With all due respect I beg to disagree with you analysis that this is gonna be one TV drama in which JKS will showcase his “beauty” or “femininity” only. As the plot suggest, JKS will be taking on a new role – possibly a villainous one (at least in the beginning), and a really resourceful one. If you have watched Kurosagi (played by Yamapi some time ago), I believe that the Dokgo Ma-Te will resemble Kurosaki to some extent. I know how JKS looks a little too feminine in his CD, but he doesn’t have to ultimate say in the production of “Beautiful Namja” right? That CEO does. And he will NOT be doing his job if he allows JKS to just pick whatever he wants to look. Let’s wait and see^^.
Dear Tenshi
So our Prince has been itching to tell us about his choice of drama since March – or even before March?
He has been hinting to his eels for so long.
I remember he was once asked what role he would like to take on next and he replied that his answer will surprise everyone – cos he said he wanted to act as the bad guy instead of the hero.
Looks like he has gotten his wish
Yes my friend, he has hinting for months and it depends we got the hint with all the bare chested sexy and manly look which “kill” so many eels in one day.. even the Korean media has been reporting on his airport manly look…as in the pictures and vid
i’m also really worried about the eels overall ; they seems to became less and less and not standing and defending jks ‘ rather just accept the fact and deal with every bad comment and i think it is bcuz of his actions lately and that is the reasion so many people leave him now ;
i mean what is wrong with him!!?? why is he always try to do stupid things and think it goona be great ? why does he make him self looks so gay all the time?? he is gorgeous without any thing is went crazy or something ?? i’m really worried about him . all these fame and drinking made him lost his mind for sure . he is not thinking .. why is he doing every thing at the same time just foucs on one thing at atime please . but this is a serious matter eels all around the world where are you ???? i’m not seeing any of you at any other site plz support him even if you are alone . all i’m seeing is alot of bad comments and not even one good comment what is up with that??
he needs us this time dont let him suffer again plz i know he went crazy leatly but inside i know he is the same jks you loved . just dont give up on him ..fighting!!!
Alex, please tell me which site the link and I will tell you if the comments are made by anti-fans who disguised as eels just to cause problem.. can you provide the link here? Many eels are joining ECI daily via this site actually.. are you in ECI already?
Hi QQeyes007,
I realize you are very defensive on comments a out JKS, any bad comments your conclusion is
NOT true or wrong interpretation. Why I like JKS is he is very honest with
himself. He said “Every work is important, but there are some works I had regret and pain from it”
You praise him so much like god and only he and nobody else can do the job
JJ, because all eels are protective of Sukkie ^_^ it is normal as you can see all the eels here are always protecting him as he is always misinterpreted by people who don’t understand him.
what you said is correct of his statement but what the antis said in some of the links are totally not correct as they totally twisted his meaning about blaming everyone in the production which he did not. that is why we need to correct them.
No matter what rating JKS’s new drama will be, I will support him as usual. Of course, it will pain me if JKS is not happy with the viewer’s rating – but it is too premature to give any estimate now.
What’s wrong of being defensive to JKS if someone is an eel? With all due respect I will not be surprised if comments are left by someone who intentionally disguises herself/himself as a fan and makes adverse comments on JKS, I just cannot imagine someone who would be so outspoken about someone that you purported like and bad-mouth him at the same time. Does s/he have any pecuniary interest in such matter? One must wonder. Sis like QQeyes007 must be loyal fan, support you sis, like your defense.
I think Jang Keun Suk’s newest project will be a financial success for him and his producers. It will be pre-sold throughout SE Asia. I wouldn’t even worry about Korea, who cares whether Koreans like it or not. I realize from a personal point of view, JKS would like to be acknowledged and supporter by his own people. He’s extremely generous to Korean charities, gave largest donation to Hanyang University Scholarship fund for deserving students, all his products are produced in Korea to help Korean business. Yet, Koreans never mention all the good that JKS does, they only look to criticize a loving, caring young man.
Here we have a multi-talented, multi-faceted, individualistic performer….and they don’t know how to deal with JKS… someone who thinks outside the box. He is an extremely creative soul and he needs to be free to explore. I believe he is a citizen of the world. Isn’t it interesting, he is admirered by all ages around the world. It is only Korea who has a problem, and quite honestly, that’s their problem. Let’s look forward with anticipation to Asia Prince’s latest projet. It will be created with his very best abilities. Let’s show our loving support for a wonderfully talented and caring Jang Keun Suk. Champagne wishes moving forward,
Your American Supporter (ECI)
Your American Supporter (ECI)
I second that Susann! Very well said! If Koreans don’t like him that’s their loss. He successful everywhere else. Maybe he was thinking of his eels when he picked this drama. He knows how to entertain us which equals success for him!
I think Jang Keun Suk’s newest project will be a financial success for him and his producers. It will be pre-sold throughout SE Asia. I wouldn’t even worry about Korea, who cares whether Koreans like it or not. I realize from a personal point of view, JKS would like to be acknowledged and supporter by his own people. He’s extremely generous to Korean charities, gave largest donation to Hanyang University Scholarship fund for deserving students, all his products are produced in Korea to help Korean business. Yet, Koreans never mention all the good that JKS does, they only look to criticize a loving, caring young man.
Here we have a multi-talented, multi-faceted, individualistic performer….and they don’t know how to deal with JKS… someone who thinks outside the box. He is an extremely creative soul and he needs to be free to explore. I believe he is a citizen of the world. Isn’t it interesting, he is admired by all ages around the world. It is only Korea who has a problem, and quite honestly, that’s their problem. Let’s look forward with anticipation to Asia Prince’s latest projet. It will be created with his very best abilities. Let’s show our loving support for a wonderfully talented and caring Jang Keun Suk. Champagne wishes moving forward,
Your American Supporter (ECI)
Your American Supporter (ECI)
Agree…their lost…more for us to enjoy…we love our world citizen
We know Jang Keun Suk is not perfect. We love his imperfection, flawed and all. We don’t like his drinking and smoking, which are not good to his health. We are not blindly follow him but we really love him for his honesty, sincerity and his never give up attitude and not afraid of failure. He live and grow up in public eyes full of criticises from all corners yet he wants to be himself and does what he loves. He been through difficult life yet he never regret and he took responsibility for it while still at a very young age when most of people live their childhood years. He never remembered being a kid because of it so can we let him be young a bit longer than anybody else. Let him do this kind of role before he take a more serious grow up character. I think Jang Keun Suk himself knows he’s not perfect that’s why he always said things that sound arrogant to most people. It is actually to motivate him rather than boosting. If only people know what he means instead of jumping to conclusion, but most people love to see the bad side first. Please just have compassion in your heart and look at the positive side instead always see it negatively. If you looking for defect or mistake it is very easy to find but if people act in kindness in time it is easily forgotten. Can we have consideration and sympathy to others instead of spitefulness because malice is such a wasted of energy.
Love you sis…so agree…zikzin
very well said sis….
Why are some eels so negative and critical about his new drama even before the shooting starts?
If we are his loyal eels, we should show support for his new projects. No one doubted his superb acting skills. So please, comment only after we have watched this new drama.
At this stage, it is still early to judge a drama fail or success until it was filmed. The success of a drama is not based on one good actor alone. It includes all the casts’ individual presentation on the set, the director’s filming, the chemistry of everyone when they acted together and also the script. It was the effect of these combinations that whether a good drama can be produced.
Everytime I visit this blog I couldn’t help myself to keep on smiling and get crazy reading all comments here , cause every time Haters appear on this blog the atmosphere is not good but cool, because Haters and Eels are just like Husband and Wife they are keep on fighting in one thing , a thing that they don’t like each other but no matter how they are fighting but there’s one thing they are bound, a thing called “Love” , I know Haters love JKS too, because if they Don’t hmmm , why they are wasting time to follows everything about JKS ? , but the difference them from us Eels we love JKS using our Hearts while the Haters love him by using theyre eyes, an eyes that judge only the out side personality of prince and not the inner self of him . My dearest sisters Eels let the haters release theyre opinion towards our prince maybe thats the way they show love and care to prince
what matter most is what our heart says and what we believe, fighting for them is fun cause we can exchange words that sometimes can make us be more better and strong Eels ,but this is not also good cause haters is also our sisters so we must show them our respect everything they said , cause no matter what future ahead and as long that our hearts beat only one prince a prince we call “SUKKIE” no one can take him away from our Hearts Forever cause forever we will be with him even it is for a better or worse , Fighting Eels!
<3 <3 <3
Hi ss genie,
You are so funny.
We need a positive attitude to fight all bad comments of bad persons.
We unite together to support Our Prince.
He needs us anytime and anywhere…^ ^
Thank you.
For our prince I will support him not my best but all I can with all my heart

Not fighting the battle with bad words and actions; he does not lead us that way…for he himself seldom or never retailiates even the bashing is very very bad; he keeps his stern convictions, his selfworth, his belief and follow his road he sees in front of him, faillure or succes he treats them equal…the only thing that is precious to him is his eels who will wait for him no matter what and take the pains of learning to know the true him….
We choosed to love Sukkie because he is so unique not because he’s 13 in a dozen…
We must show our support by following Sukkie one on one…his facebook, his weibo, his line, twitter etc.. watch his live interviews (for there is nothing to twist there) watch his movies and dramas enjoy his shows and parties, request his songs on radiostations and off course buy his CD and DVD…that is the best way to show our support..
Sukkie is working hard to show us his many talents and we need to appreciate it with much love.
I’m watching my newly purchase MSOAN with english sub again….lol; he’s so good : )
Next will be Beethoven Virus with eng subs…have been looking for this for such long time…could not find it with eng subs
Agree .. agree with you gennie !
very well said Genie that’s why i love you! you always made me smile too in ECI. thanks for being so understanding to our hater sisters…..
There are so many comments even before the female lead is announce + a Nama list of another 10 female actresses OMG!!!
sis Jez for me theres no use in fighting cause I don’t want to have a wrinkles in my face lol , lets give them our beautiful smile
cause our smile is the best weapon to kill them all in theyre inner side hehehe joke! peace! but honestly haters and eels are all sisters in Christ so lets hope that one day we are all be bound by love through our prince JKS

This get-up was the one he wore during one of his MV Beuatiful Change am i right?
OMG the female lead and the 10 actresses are not announce yet and there are
so many comments. Can’t imagine when everything is confirmed !!!!!!
Koreans should be proud because through (JKS), people got to learn a lot about Korea, their music, culture, food, fashion etc.. I read an article that one Korean producer offered JKS to film one drama to be sold to Japan (we are talking million of dollars). I don’t know if JKS turned down the offer.. Pls.. where can i write a letter to JKS, the one that can’t be read by public, somebody pls help me..thanks to all. God bless