UPDATE: added Chinese subs full version
Jang Keun Suk appeared as the first and special guest on KBS Cool FM “Verbal Jint’s Pops Pops” today. This radio program was webcast. Thanks to eels, we can see what it was like through the recorded videos. And I will share the summary of the program as well. I hope you’ll feel the atmosphere.
*Full version
Credits: 根深蒂固 張根碩
Credits: ikumiJKS
*Summary of the radio show
Translation source: @showerin
English translation: tenshi_akuma
Before the radiocast started, JKS kneeled and gave VJ bouquet flowers to celebrate starting the program.
Verbal Jint (VJ) started the program, introducing JKS as the first guest for his radio program. “The same lines sounds totally different when he utters. He can act. He can sing. There seems nothing he cannot do. He is Asian Prince, Jang Keun Suk.”
JKS: It’s my first appearing on KBS radio. I wasn’t invited before. lol. You may be surprised to know our relationship, VJ and me. However, he sent me a message at 4 am (midnight) when it was decided to have his own radio show. Surprisingly, he did so though we’ve never drank together yet!
VJ: I trapped him. lol.
[VJ rap]
VJ: When I was asked by the chief who I would want to invite the first guest, then I answered JKS.
JKS: It really went well according to script. lol.
JKS: I’ve been a fan of his music for some time. Then, I asked someone his e-mail address and sent him directly.
VJ: When I performed at Tokyo Dome, I realized again that he is capable of filling all the seats of such a huge venue.
JKS: About a month later,my documentary was scheduled to be aired on KBS. I asked VJ to narrate the program. It turend out really great. My expected output was more casual. lol.
JKS: The viewer rating was higher than expected and I got a lot of telephone calls after the broadcast.
VJ: I heard you filmed juice CF in China.
JKS: Yes. And in Japan the teaser of my solo album was just released. Plus, I released CD of Team H, unit group.
VJ: How about in Korea?
JKS: I think I should focus on acting.
VJ: When will you start to act again?
JKS: Fans are concerned about my next project. My previous drama was not successful. That’s why I should be more careful about selecting my work. Now I decided my next one, but haven’t signed the contract yet. Therefore, I can’t say anything about it even I want to give you some hints.
VJ: What kind of role do you want to play or not to?
JKS: I want to avoid acting an artist (musician).
VJ: This program is broadcasting all over the world. I’m scared. Especially today, people all over the world must be listening to us.
JKS: Hello, everyone in the world. How are you? lol.
VJ: How was your TOEIC test?
JKS: I think it’s interesting. However well they can speak English, it doesn’t mean they can get high scores. They need to learn techniques for the exam. I think it’s interesting, but at the same time, it’s difficult, either. My scores will be out on May 18th.
VJ: As for me, I entered law school, but in the middle of learning law, I took a temporary leave from school and started music activities. This March was the deadline to decide if I would return to school, but I didn’t submit any documents… In short, I’m no more the university student.
JKS: Oh! That’s an artist’s pride!
JKS: I don’t agree to attach too much importance to school background. VJ is naturally an artist.
VJ: I found studying law was not my way.
JKS: In my case, I have to get PhD in directing film. Because it answers my purpose. I also don’t think studying law is not necessary as an artist.
VJ: I respect your way to continue seeking what you want to explore.
JKS: By the way, it’s surprising that you sent me a message at 4 am. It’s like a nuclear bomb that I’m a guest of live show. lol.
VJ: When you said that you accepted me my offer, I thought you might be drank… but I reported it to the chief. lol.
JKS: I didn’t know what kind of music is suitable to this program, so I brought my 10 recommended songs… Ah, wait. My song. Let’s play my song. Team H will perform at Budokan, Tokyo and Korea in May. In June, we’ll hold concerts in Hawaii and Los Angeles. “Beautiful Change”, here you go.
VJ: I heard you had experience as a radio DJ of SBS when you were young.
JKS: Yes. Thinking about it now, they were very adventurous to have young 17-year-old boy be the DJ. lol.
VJ: Do you have any advice to give to me as the senior?
JKS: I wrote them down as I expected to be asked. At first, try to be bitter to the listeners. I mean, please swear. If you so, it’ll work to draw attention.
VJ: I’m afraid if I become unpopular because of such an attitude..
JKS: It’s a half-a-year radio show, right? Just believe yourself and do for six months. lol. Secondly, be kind to anties at cafeteria.
VJ: For example, what will you answer the question, “I heard VJ’s radio cast is so generous to give a gift as long as we do…”?
JKS: If I were you, I would answer “Radiocast is a game!?” I would say in a bitter way like friends. To respond it, another comment will come. Then, answer it. Like this, I would enjoy it. I think this is exchange and communication. Especially around this time, working people are listening to your program, waiting for lunch break. It’s better to focus on such people to enjoy your radiocast.
[talking about politics]
JKS: If it were a 2-hour show, I would discuss a lot, but in fact it’s an hour show. That’s why we have to rush. lol.
JKS: By the way, there are a lot of interesting items in this studio. For example, piano and guitar. Like this, I often make a song randomly.
[singing impromptu]
Verbal Jint~ Asia Prince~ 11:30~ For today’s lunch, Mexican food~ Senhorita~ Oh yeah~
JKS: Ah, I had to keep quiet. What do you think my fans said to me before the show started? “Please don’t make a bad break~!”
VJ: How about doing something like a radiocast in your concert?
JKS: Actually I did it about 6 years ago. I’m thinking now to webcast my singing with friends… Or another idea is uploading edited videos how JKS talks with passersby. Just like showing my real life style.
VJ: How do you rate my first show?
JKS: 78 points. Basically, you have a great voice. It suits around 11 am. And your voice gives us a comfortable time. Good personality. The rest 22 points are just for time management or something. They are just a small thing.
JKS: I think it’s better to play rare or various songs rather than common ones. Besides, please tell listeners how you felt when hearing the song. For example, when you had difficulties, you often listened or something. Please select songs, imagining listeners’ feeling.
VJ: When can I see Singer Jang Keun Suk in Korea?
JKS: As a temporary event, I’m preparing Team H party. Except that, you’ll see Actor JKS. I’m sorry I’ve talked a lot today thought I was planning to be quiet. I’m happy to have met you after a long interval. And I really enjoy appearing on Korean radio. I’ll be back.
*Good quality version
Credits: EELsPhilippines
Thanks ss so much with Eng translate.:x
Kaori chan, Thanks so much for the Eng translation for this radio program with Sukkie ^_^
thank you for translating this into English
really help
I looveee hearing him on radio
I hope he’ll do more often in the future
Yes, thanks for translating for us. It was great to hear his voice… and that of Verbal Jint… he really does have a great speaking voice. And I think Verbal Jint has worked with quite a few Korean artists.. so for him to ask Jang Keun Suk to be his first guest IMO, was high praise for JKS.
Thanx for the translation Tenshi. You rock!
I am in Hawaii, when will they announce the concert date? I really want to see him perform.
Thanks Kaori chan!! I love that song VJ sang…anybody knows the title?
Farina, here you are. I bought his album, too.
P.S. The ending is a bit shocking… >_<
Kaori chan thank you so much for your time in translating!!! Your effort is much appreciated!
im so curious about the documentary..is it early this year or last year kbs documentary?the documentary about his tokyo dome concert..or there is another documentary. sometimes i felt that jks is in sadness now..and i don’t know why..hmmm. hope he is doing fine.. my asia prince
misskim, this is the KBS documentary which Sukkie is talking about.. http://jangkeunsukforever.com/archives/8329
btw,thanks for the translation.. i’m happy..
Thank you tenshi
Really greatful for you translations…you are such an angel
I soooo love his voice…
He really is not gonna be a “singer” in Korea is he…only an actor…but even that they don’t seems to appreciate much…he’s not even in the voting list for Baeksang award for best actor for Love Rain…but Yoona is? really odd…she was ok…but really not surpassing JKS in acting..not enough depth in my opinion
And what does he mean that Love Rain was not successful?? the sales were great..
He’s gonna have shows in Hawaii and LA!!! yeah…I can be part of it…but still very happy he’s going to the US with his shows…and maybe in future come to Europe???
Farina, Do we get advance notice when JKS will perform in Los Angeles and how to purchase tickets? I will definitely attend if I can purchase good seating. I would have sent this on FB, but wasn’t sure how to do it!! I am a work-in-progress!! Many thanks to you and Ivy for your patience. Konbae (cheers),
you’re so fast sis Kaori! thank you so much for your time in translating this……..
Thanks so much, Tenshi! I love listening to that deep, manly voice of his. Looking forward to his upcoming drama … I read somewhere filming will begin in August
as expected not a dull moment whenever he talks and i agree that VJ is naturally an artist and his voice is so good on radio…thanks so much sis for the translation,helped us to enjoy the broadcast even more
Thanks for best ranslation which keep mood details. ^^
Tenshi, Thanks a lot for the translation! Wow you made it so fast. As usual Sukkie is so smart and witty in responding questions and giving comments.
Thanks for the translation. Wow, he’s his own worst critic.
Tenshi, I bow to you. That was great translation! Thank you very much. By the way, does anyone know the details for the LA concert? It’s already May. Are they not selling the tickets yet? Is there a website we can go to? … Too excited!!!
thanks for giving english translation
and here is my chinese translation
《张根硕 장근석 Photo Library》
website: https://www.facebook.com/notes/%E5%BC%A0%E6%A0%B9%E7%A1%95-%EC%9E%A5%EA%B7%BC%EC%84%9D-photo-library/%E8%8F%AF%E8%AA%9E%E7%BF%BB%E8%AD%AF-kbs-cool-fm-verbal-jints-pops-pops_20130501/366401550148127
sorry for not ask for permisaion for translate
Thanks, chu wen. With credits, no problem. Please go a head from now on : )
for sure =)
thanks for permission
can u inform me when u get translation and video?
I can say, “Please visit our blog often!”
Thanks Tenshi,you were fast,i enjoyed so much.
I don’t wanna troll here but check this out: http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.ca/2013/05/jang-geun-suk-claims-he-was-burned-by.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
He’s being hated and slashed so badly! I mean, I don’t get it. Did he really say that or did the paparazzi translate it the ‘convenient way’ on purpose and put words into his mouth?
Even if he did say it, I don’t get all the instant hate by Korean fellows towards him. What’s up with that?! He didn’t say anything bad about anyone else on Love Rain. He just said that ‘he got burned’ by Love Rain (because it had bad ratings in Korea, which should’ve been applied).
I think he said something like that, but as you mentioned above, there are no intention to hurt other co-stars and staff. I’m sure he knows many viewers love Love Rain. But, in fact before the drama was broadcast, he got too much attentions and expectations especially about viewer ratings. He’s truly a natural-born actor. He does other activities what he’s interested in, but acting is different for him. He himself said he would act till he die. For him, living as a actor is very special. He also knows the viewer ratings are not everything. But it’s easier way to attract ordinary viewers to watch his works. I think he’s now too careful about choosing what to act. I don’t want him to choose a safer role. He’s such a chameleon actor, so I want him to try what he wants to act from now on. However, needless to say, I want ordinary viewers to realize again that Jang Keun Suk is super!
Jazzy, please just neglect bad comments. Such people will change soon once he gets a reputation as a good actor. Even though they said badly about him, they would say as if they’ve already known he is a great actor since the beginning they started to know him. Public is something like that. Anyway, let’s keep supporting him no matter what : )
Thanx, Tenshi :o)
What you said make perfect sense and I was expecting those people to be like that but to trash someone soooo much for something he didn’t even say… But they tend to take something and use it or understand it in the worst possible way… It’s just the part of the human nature that I will never get use to, I guess…
As for supporting JKS, I will always do that because I really admire and love the fact that he speaks his mind, especially in a tongue-tied environment as South Korea (no offense Korean people but it is the truth).
He DID get burned by low ratings of Love Rain but so did everyone else involved. He was just brave enough to admit it publicly and I say: ‘Cheers!’ to that!
Dear Jazzy, we must realize that we can’t expect all people to like our STAR. So don’t feel worry or burden in your heart too much when you read or hear people said negative things about our STAR. We can always support him by defending him with the truths and POSITIVE messages. As JKS said, “Even if other people insult me and scold me, so long as I have the truth, I have me. I am a person who think that making my own life all by myself is much precious than anything. Gonna live my life frantically hard day by day. I am who I am. I have always been this way………”
Sometimes, those negative comments or critics are the driving force for JKS to work harder to get better in his chosen profession, and grow up a strong wise-man who is able overcome some life obstacles or bad criticism. Even in this Radio Show, he dare to advise VJ to “be kind to the anties at the cafeteria”….loll This is our PRINCE, a very super positive person.
EELs, don’t we love JKS just way he is……!!! Please also forgive him if he intentionally said some “sensitive or controversy” words or showed his wild wacky actions. Please continue believing in him and support him, no matter what people said!!!!!
Dear Jang Keun Suk, please don’t ever let’s anyone beat you down, keep on fighting, challenge yourself for greatness, never loose sight of your goals, always be yourself, and keep on walking in the KeunJang’s ways!!! Jyo~Zikzin~~!!!!
OmO….Typoo again..kkk I meant to say… “un-intentionally”.
Jazzy… thanks for that “twisted” article ^_^ Now I understand where the rumors come from due to intentional twisted translation.. That is why I always love to wait for the translation by Kaori chan or any of us trusted translators here then the media.. we can see and compare the accuracy ^_^ should we post the actual translation in that twisted media there.. this is not the first time and will not be the last too ^_^
Thanks very much for the translation, Sis Tenshi!
Hi i really enjoy for your translation .thanks alot good job ♡:D
I’ll show you some videos here.
* JKS appeared on MV ^^
* JKS appeared at VJ’s stage ^^
Thank you Tenshi for sharing these vids…I love it..
Verbal Jint is very professional & appreciative of Sukkie; he’s able to see beyond the idol; the handsome face and knows how hardworking and respectful Sukkie in real life is…
Otherwise Verval Jint would have never thought of Sukkie for his first radioshow…would he for there are so many other korean stars to choose from
And these are young JKS’ DJ videos ^^
Tenshi…Thanks for sharing these…a major responsibility…at such tender age..hosting a radioprogram even with guests
He is just great…spontaneous and never lost for words….
I am a professor and as I can see JKS is witty and intelligent person..
Thanks for sharing!
Deat Tenshi…
Thank you so much for the translation….imagine it took me hours to finish watching the video because of my slow internet connection but still i did finish it…and considering that I dont understand anything on their conversation. I am just so curious what is about him when not acting, because I do believe that we can see the true personality of a person through his/her actions. And as I observed, he’s just a typical young man, full of active hormones, very confident and easy going, the way he laugh shows that he’s really a typical man, with manly attitudes, in actions and words.
Regarding his comment on his last drama picture, well for me it was such a good one. Maybe he’s just expecting too much. There are many Korean tv series/films that I have seen, and i really can say that Lover’s Rain is perfect, especially his act and the role he played. Maybe some of his fans are expecting him to sing always in his films, and in LR he didn’t sing.
All I can say is that JKS is still young and still many rooms for him to improve his acting career. So he must be very careful in choosing his roles.
I have only see Lovers Rain. Marry Me Mary, You’re Beautiful and My Pet. He’s born actor and singer….so keep up the good work JKS..take good care of your health and always be very careful in all your undertakings….GOD BLESS JKS!!!!
yes..he’s definitely a man. i love goo jun hee describes him..”he’s a man act like a man” in entertainment weekly.its what i see in him..even how girly he dress up..his manliness cant be hide.he’s the MAN..
Thank you Kaori chan for the translations and the “young JKS’ DJ videos”
I really do not understand why he say that love rain was bad?, because between Love Rain, Marry Me Mary and You’re Beautiful. I prefer Love rain, he act well and the history was different and have many feelings, I know the viewer ratings in korea wasn´t too good but in another countries love rain was very succesful. love rain has a better history than you are beautiful and only for ratings he got a bad thought for his last drama… I so sad the truth is that for me fans only see YAB because he sing most of the time in the drama, and also the musical group was very popular that´s why he got more attention, and not for the history because for me it was little credible. one of his best roles was in love rain and he now think that it was not successful just for the rating and just because fans that do not let him acts in what he wants, I feel sorry for him, also I read in fan forums that they doesn´t going to see love rain only for envy that yoona act with him and they doesn´t want they act together, they decided to make a boycott drama to have low rating criticizing and not seeing the drama, that terrible obsessed fans that do not leave their idols work.