I don’t understand why everyone is telling you not to drink “too much” … definitely will always do just what you wish.
And, by the way, CONGRATULATIONS!
To Enkeli: Because we love him and we care. We do drink but if you feel like drinking all the time, you are alcoholic. I was working with a group to stop alcoholism in Scotland. It is sickening seeing them. I just do not want to see him in that stage. It is LOVE, understand?
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn’t mean to upset anyone. Trust me, I appreciate him very much too, especially for his intelligence, creativity and ambition (people like him, influence me positively) and I’m sure that he will never become one of the people you’re talking about. JKS has a very strong personality and knows exactly what he does.
I appreciate you for your job – to help people around you – it is the most wonderful gift. Congratulations and success in the future! If I can ever help you with something, you’re welcomed on my friends list on Facebook – Adina Maria.
You know I’m new here, but I know that JKS will never disappoint his fans, on the contrary, he will always do such as his fans would be proud of him. All the best!
“The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.”
All Koreans drink, men and women, that is their culture. If you ever visit Korea walking along the street at night you’ll see quite a lot of people who get drunk. Some just stumble quietly, some are very loud. I saw a lot of this in Edinburgh. We eels are proud of our prince. He has been so responsible for his family from very young age and is always ready to please. That could be stressful. He let off his steam with Team H that we could see clearly. He has not got the simple normal life as others. Not so much freedom as others. That is why we understand him. At 26 he is still growing up, we do too. There is a lot of child in him that is the best quality of any creative people. What we are concern is his health. We find students that have to work days and nights to pay for their fees, they value their money a lot. Our prince would have earned a million time more than those because he is him. We just hope that he value his money more, care more for himself. All the expensive cars, drinking, partying are the ways to let off the steam. He is just different so please understand him and do not compare your difficulties to yours. Back to basic my prince and you will find that having a quiet day with yourself, having a nice meal that you cook yourself, use your hands to clean your shoes, do the dishes, read books, etc. you will find that quiet day brings you back to YOU.
The bracelets,I think, are gifts from his fans, so wearing them is a way to show his love and appreciation to his fans. As for his makeup, I think he believes he became famous because of the eyeliner look in the drama, He’s Beautiful which has lifted him up to the peak of Korean Wave. He may be insecure if he’s not wearing eyeliner. I personally think he looks more manly without eyeliner and heavy makeup. We need to spread the message that we do like him to show us his natural clean look,and he doesn’t need to put on makeup all the time.
You are too young to be an alcoholic, well maybe its just social drinking. You are so great in your craft…awesome singer and actor and most of all, you have a very beautiful smile..so take good care of all these assets of yours and for sure you will have a long long successful years in show business….do take good care of your self especially your health..I consider you a son because you have the same age with my youngest son…ALWAYS KEEP HUMBLE!!!!
Yeah, test is over!
Yes, time to relax!’But don’t drink too much!
Congratulations!!!, I admire people who value education. You are an inspiration!! Time to relax, be safe and don’t drink to much!
Baby, hope you did it well. Always with you. Don’t drink too much, you’ll become alcoholic.
Congrats on the test. I hope he did well
But he has to stop drinking this much. It seems that’s all he does in his spare time
I don’t understand why everyone is telling you not to drink “too much” … definitely will always do just what you wish.

And, by the way, CONGRATULATIONS!
To Enkeli: Because we love him and we care. We do drink but if you feel like drinking all the time, you are alcoholic. I was working with a group to stop alcoholism in Scotland. It is sickening seeing them. I just do not want to see him in that stage. It is LOVE, understand?
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn’t mean to upset anyone. Trust me, I appreciate him very much too, especially for his intelligence, creativity and ambition (people like him, influence me positively) and I’m sure that he will never become one of the people you’re talking about. JKS has a very strong personality and knows exactly what he does.
I appreciate you for your job – to help people around you – it is the most wonderful gift. Congratulations and success in the future! If I can ever help you with something, you’re welcomed on my friends list on Facebook – Adina Maria.
You know I’m new here, but I know that JKS will never disappoint his fans, on the contrary, he will always do such as his fans would be proud of him. All the best!
“The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.”
And Lee Min Ho,Kim Hyun Joong,Rain drinking and smokind. Jang Keun Suk i love!
C’MON this is too easy ….. i’m a computer engineering student and this is nothing compare to what were’re having…grow up sukkie
All Koreans drink, men and women, that is their culture. If you ever visit Korea walking along the street at night you’ll see quite a lot of people who get drunk. Some just stumble quietly, some are very loud. I saw a lot of this in Edinburgh. We eels are proud of our prince. He has been so responsible for his family from very young age and is always ready to please. That could be stressful. He let off his steam with Team H that we could see clearly. He has not got the simple normal life as others. Not so much freedom as others. That is why we understand him. At 26 he is still growing up, we do too. There is a lot of child in him that is the best quality of any creative people. What we are concern is his health. We find students that have to work days and nights to pay for their fees, they value their money a lot. Our prince would have earned a million time more than those because he is him. We just hope that he value his money more, care more for himself. All the expensive cars, drinking, partying are the ways to let off the steam. He is just different so please understand him and do not compare your difficulties to yours. Back to basic my prince and you will find that having a quiet day with yourself, having a nice meal that you cook yourself, use your hands to clean your shoes, do the dishes, read books, etc. you will find that quiet day brings you back to YOU.
Btw, no makeup, no accessories as well. Well I may be dreaming. You will not want to do that you love your chains so much. Do love yourself more.
The bracelets,I think, are gifts from his fans, so wearing them is a way to show his love and appreciation to his fans. As for his makeup, I think he believes he became famous because of the eyeliner look in the drama, He’s Beautiful which has lifted him up to the peak of Korean Wave. He may be insecure if he’s not wearing eyeliner. I personally think he looks more manly without eyeliner and heavy makeup. We need to spread the message that we do like him to show us his natural clean look,and he doesn’t need to put on makeup all the time.
Hello Mr Jang,
You are too young to be an alcoholic, well maybe its just social drinking. You are so great in your craft…awesome singer and actor and most of all, you have a very beautiful smile..so take good care of all these assets of yours and for sure you will have a long long successful years in show business….do take good care of your self especially your health..I consider you a son because you have the same age with my youngest son…ALWAYS KEEP HUMBLE!!!!