Keun Suk’s new Kakao Talk pic. ha This pic made me laugh crazily for about 5 minutes. kkk Keun-chan is like lifeblood. kk
근석이의 새로운 카톡사진 ㅎ 얘 사진보고 약 5분간 미친듯 웃었음 ㅋㅋㅋ 삶의 활력소같은 근짱 ㅋㅋ
3 thoughts on “[22.04.2013] @Naosnova twitter”
i’ve been wondering what’s funny about that photo..hhhmmm seems like there’s a story behind that shot kkk
i’ve been wondering what’s funny about that photo..hhhmmm seems like there’s a story behind that shot kkk
yes,im gree,perhap funny story or what did sukkie do?
that true,perhap funny story or what đid sukkie do?