[22.03.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

BB: Bkk!!!!!! Jyo!!!!
JKS: what r u doing bro?? Are you alone?? Don’t bullshit me !!!

“@bigbrothersound: Bkk!!!!!! Jyo!!!!”ㅡwhat r u doing bro?? Are you alone?? Don’t bullshit me !!!

@haeminsunim 21h
RT: For those who still can’t sleep but want to have a peaceful daylight, I’ll give you a very comfortable music gift.
RT: 아직까지 잠을 못 이루고 있으시거나 아니면 평온한 새벽을 맞이하고 싶으신 분들께 올리는 아주 편안한 음악 선물입니다. :

All things happened because of this pig.. Give me back my Louis….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
모든게 이 돼지 생킈 때문이야.. 내 루이 돌려놔….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m really sorry to make everyone worry a lot. And I really appreciate the police, the marine police and the wrecker’s driver who helped me after the accident. And I am very sorry for making all the passengers in the bus shocked caused by me. I’ve kept all of their contact information.
Everyone, please drive safely!!

여러모로 심려끼쳐 드려 죄송합니다 사고 이 후 도와주신 경찰관님들과 해양 경찰관님들 렉카기사님 너무 감사드리고 혹시나 저로인해 놀라셨을 버스 안 승객분들에게도 죄송하다고 인사드리고 연락처 모두 받아 두었습니다
모두 안전운전 하시길 바랄게요.!!

5 thoughts on “[22.03.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter”

  1. poor Prince 🙁 he must be mourning now and sad,he loved Louis so much…thanks Louis for saving our Prince!

    • Yes…his beloved Louis…
      so considerate towards the people in the bus..hope everyone is as geniune as he and not take advantage of him

  2. Blamed it on the rain…..
    Blamed it on the stars……
    Now, blamed it on the PIG…..
    Because of you pig… my Louis got hurt…lol^~~*

  3. Today’s Sukkie showed us a perfect brilliant smile. But I’m still worried about his after effects of the accident. Especially seeing his smile, I couldn’t help feeling that Jang Keun Suk is a guy who can smile when he feels pain… I hope his smile today just came from his happiness after a long interval of having his concert in Thailand… from the bottom of my heart.

    I love you, Sukkie. Thank you for being safe.


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