16:57 Chinese eels! Our show is prepared for you!! Chozer Chozer!!! Only two days left…. Zi..k…zin
중국 장어들아! 너희들을 위해 만든 내 공연이다!! 쵸져쵸져!!! 이틀남았다….지…익.,;.진ㄱㄱㄱ
4 thoughts on “[13.03.2013] Jang Keun Suk Weibo”
He looks like a B-boy with his cap^^….Chozer Chozer my Prince!!! sooo cool..I like it^^
He looks like a B-boy with his cap^^….Chozer Chozer my Prince!!! sooo cool..I like it^^
Is this the expression for the going not so well ticket sales in china?
he looks like a teenager boy next door
so cute ! !