Ah, I can’t stand it anymore. I will open Team H, Jang Keun Suk ameba blog at 12 o’clock, not 4 o’clock tomorrow!!! Oh yeah, this pic…picture was taken during the shooting MV. kkk
あーがまんできない。 Team-Hチャングンソクアメブロ、あした4じじゃなくて12じからオープン!!!おーいえーしゃ、、しゃしんはさつえい中のwww
tenshi_akuma’s note: Ameba blog is a Japanese famous blog service.
CAN”T WAIT TOO…i’m sure to have a long long night *waiting…waiting*
How can we join actually? Does only members can join?
Just to access the blog is enough. You don’t have to register the ameblo membership.
Thank you tenshi for your reply^^ I can’t wait to see his videos >_<
Woahhhh!!!! We ere with you
Team H gogogogogo !!!!!!
This is in 10 hours right? Does anyone have the exact link?
It hasn’t been open yet. After the link is shared, I’ll post it. Please wait for a while
A million thanks Tenshi! But I hope there will an English translation.