Credit: Jang Keun Suk weibo
hahahaha, eels on weibo, I’m back. Today is “Back of Team H” beneficial day. Zikzin!!!
哈哈哈哈 微博的鳗鱼们啊 我回来了 Team H 回归纪念 福利日 zikzin!!!!!
푸하하하하 웨이보의 장어들이여 내가 돌아왔다 Team H 복귀기념 서비스데이 zikzin!!!!!
No? It has been a while since I come to weibo, you don’t believe? Well, I will keep posting until you believe.
不是 好久没来了也不信 真是ㅡㅡ直到相信为止一直发
아니 간만에 와도 안믿네 나참 ㅡㅡ 믿을 때 까지 계속 올린다…
kyaa, it’s me. For real!!!
呀 是我!!!真的!!!!
야 나라고!!!! 쩐더!!!!! # Weico+
Really a Asia Prince, no matter where I’m always work as a professional.
역시 언제 어디서나 프로답게 일하는 아시아의 왕자!!!! # Weico+ #
Asia Prince who recommended weibo to PSY, even during work time still keep weibo zikzin…
向鸟叔哥传播微博的亚洲王子 工作中微博仍zikzin中….
싸이오빠에게 웨이보를 전파한 아시아의왕자는 일하면서도 웨이보 zikzin중….
PSY_OPPA: You like OPPA?
Jang Keun Suk to PSY_OPPA: I like dan dan noodle more.
我更喜欢担担面//@张根硕: 전 탄탄멘이 더 조아요 //@PSY_OPPA: 你喜欢OPPA?//@我:너 오빠 좋아하니?
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! WELCOME BACK PRINCE JANG! Everyone is missing you like crazy!
Your hair look so funny! You really want EELS to be put everywhere? Even your hair have the EELS? hahhahaahah
miss u so much, Prince
I always support u
thanks for sharing…
and honest 
i love his humor ^^ he is funny
THANKS for all translation… international eels can understand sukkie with your help dear blog admins
you are treasures of international eels (who don’t know korean-chinese-japanese)
i agree 101%…jksforeverblog is the best!!!
YES!!!my prince Jang is back again I’m very very happy knowing that he already decided about this I could wait the posting he want to show, I could not stop myself to sing and dance lalalalalalala yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
always true to his words..expect more to come!!!!
You will know him more if you will join us in ECI. I’m also a Filipina and a regular reader of this blog and all your comments here made me think that you love him so much like us. We will wait for you there if you’re interested………..