Credit: Jinying Net
Note: Added TV media report about this news.
Jang Keun Suk Brought “Hallyu Wave” Busting With Popularity. Fans Received Him At Airport Were Praised For In Good Order
JiyingNet Report (Reporter: He Min, photographer: Zhu Qing) Dec 30, the day before Hunan TV Countdown Party show time, many guest stars have arrived in Changshan to do the rehearsal for the show. Jang Keun Suk, the Korean star who has very high popularity in China arrived too. His fans knew that he was coming, they have gathered at the airport very early to get good spots to receive him. They also stand in line with good order, this has got lots of praises from the workers at the airport.
张根硕人气爆棚携“韩流”来袭 粉丝接机有序频获赞
金鹰网讯(记者:贺晟 摄影:朱青)12月30日,距离湖南卫视跨年狂欢夜正式开始还有最后一天时间,众多嘉宾艺人均纷纷抵达长沙,为即将在31日晚上演的的跨年狂欢夜进行彩排。人气超高的韩国明星张根硕也于下午抵达长沙,得知偶像今日抵长的粉丝们,也是一大早就来到机场占据有利地形,而张根硕的粉丝们自发围绕出来的队形十分有序,得到了机场工作人员的频频称赞。
thank you for this beautiful pics ..i hope hi have success there .
love the eels with their hairbands
Good to know that he arrived safety and his fans waited patiently and orderly with his arrival.
Happy to see he all smile and get to meet his eels. Eels are great.