2 thoughts on “[15.12.2012] @prhyme79 twitter”

  1. HEllo my daer greeg stat Mr jang keun suk .i know that you are too busy but i beg you pay attention me.i am sure you didnot read my last Emais and massages .thats too painful for me.you see alot of girls womans lover and soone .ican imagin you in afull works and concert PLS stop and pay attention tome.5month ago ,one day icome to aholy shrine on that time i watach you in “you are beautiful”and you were on n y imagination.icouldnot forget yoou so i went to aholy shrine iam amoslem girl and usually think that why i saw you ?i am sure God put you on my life road with special cases.any way,that day i was sad and couldent make good desion so iprayed God and asked him show me asign if my feeling is correct …suddenly i found asmall green star .i be come sure that God bring you for me our fates were written by God but it will be change.i search you alot and every day see your interview photos and etc.icannot forget you .ipray alot and ask God to help you and also you in your job and i wish one day i recive to my dream live with you if God willing.ihave only akind heart and great God and lovely family nothing alse .from Iran Tehran **Tahere** agirl who love you alot honestly 😉 iam waiting for your reply my dear keun suk** say my hello toyour nice parets “can you hear me?

  2. Wow wish you many blessings in your career may GOD always be with you and bless your every path. Keep up the great work. And thanks for always ahring with us your smile.


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