Original article: http://topstarnews.net/n_news/news/view.html?no=19066#.ULWYUePGQR8
Credit: Sukbar weibo for Chinese Translation
English Translation: Springsuk_USA
Jang Keun Suk’s 2012 Aisa Tour “THE CRI SHOW” has on more last show. Nov 26, 27 two days show have collected 30,000 audiences. The last show in Saitama will have 18,000 people attend. 3 days show will have total 48,000 people come. During encore on the final show, Jang Keun Suk and his music partner Big Brother sang the two new songs from their new album which is planning to release next year. The fans were going crazy for them.
O.O thanks dear this is so worth to read not as the other “press articles” taht are rounding now… I love when the medias show this kind of articles about Prince.
Thanks sis Sarah for posting this news.
Yeahhh…Congratulations to the successful CriShow2, Sukkie!! You have done the BEST you could do. Thank you for making many eels happy watching your concerts.
This year Asia Tour had drained so much of your energy, both physical and emotional!!! But you still never gives up; never stop fighting!!! That’s what I love most about you…your drive and determination, trying your very BEST in everything that you do…..!!
I will always support you in whatever that you do. Promise!!!!! Keep on fighting!!! Go Go Jyo~Zikzin!!!!
Congratulations for the success of JKS’2012 CriShow2 in Saitama..and for good news on your new songs..and new album.. I look forward to own one!!! Never have enough and will always support you ..죠~직진!!
٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ OMG!!! ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ realy love him so much
Cant wait for 2013 Team H Asia Tour!! Sukkie, i wont forgive you if you dont come to Spore, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia next year kkk!!
Unnie, Lets pray that Sukkie can find good sponsors to bring him to all listed countries..!!
I wish Sukkie can read this Blog so he would know that so many eels in these countries are waiting for him…..yahhhh
i will look at LMH if he’s not attending any of above countries! kkkkk.. im kidding..
I was there too.
as expected the shows are successful congratulations my Prince

he is a real performer who never disappoints his audience,someday i know i will see one of his shows…Cri Show 2013??? hhmm why not? i hope so
thanks for sharing!
thank you for this beautiful pictures…hi are energy and sunshinne there .
the numbers are astonishing!! 3 days show will have total 48,000 people.. wow.. this is the power of prince.. asia prince, world prince.. and indeed, our prince..
…Congratulations! Prince for the 2 successful concerts! Lucky eels to be there with him!
MAD OUTFITTTTTT ! Such a daring person ! Love the studded outfit ! He loookssss soooo goood in it.
CANT WAIT for the tour !!!!!
Great outfit, as handsome as over! Congratulations on all the successful concerts!