6 thoughts on “[Pics] JKS leaves Chengdu to Korea_20121030”

  1. …he could have arrived in Korea by dawn or early morning… looked tired but still smiling and waving…and with his casual but stylish wear still looking good…wow!

  2. yeah right..the security staff seems so happy and took that opportunity to touch sukkie..so lucky 🙂

  3. lucky the segurity staff!..lol 😉 she touch sukki…oh!..lucky lucky!..Awesome, Sukkie wants quick return to Korea…why? so quick?! 😀
    I read fans commented that: After completing the chengdu event, Sukki returned quick to his hotel, dinner with his staff and Sukki decided to go quickly at airport (the traffic was terrible, but they arrived at the airport), Sukkie preferred to take the first flight to Korea, then Sukki and his staff had to wait the plane in airport, they waited a long time. the staff looked tired and bored, but Sukkie was attentive his iphone … and Sukkie looked cheerful and anxious for return to Korea.
    We wish Sukki a good voyage♥


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