6 thoughts on “[vids] Fancam JKS Leave Fukuoka back to Korea_20121008 (1)”

  1. Kaori chan, did you manage to send Sukkie off at the Fukuoka airport too? I was wondering is that children calling out Sukkie’s name in the 2nd vid… sounds like kids..

  2. Thanks so much sis Sarah for posting FanCams here. I am “awwwwwe” every time witnessing blues showing of love and devotions for Sukkie in such an orderly manner. My heart can’t help but love him very much tooo!!!

    In the past I thought I would never be crazy eel enough to stand for hours and hours or all day to see Sukkie at the Airport for 1 second…..but these blue eels change my mind. If Sukkie ever comes to me city or near by my city where I live….I will definitely go greet with him, with typical EELs’LOVE SIGN too…kekeke

  3. impressive!! japanese eels were there at the airport in such a significant numbers and yet they were in such an orderly manner..!! im sure suk feels the grand sending off.. such a thoughtful prince for him to slow down his pace so that eels can have a last look at him and said goodbye. awwwwwww.. last vid, papa and mama jang must be feeling so proud of their son!!!!

  4. i so proud of the blue eels… the love that they showered the prince made me as I’m also one of the people there ! Gotta love him for being so considerate to bid farewell to eels too !

  5. he is just to sweet hugging the bodyguard so sweet got to love him be in so down to earth it makes me cry for happiness


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