10 thoughts on “[vid-2] JKS Arrived in Berlin_20120923”

  1. wow..he/she really worked hard to videoing uri prince, kkkk sukkie walked so hurry.. but thx to share this vid.

    • Mina… are you talking about the woman with long hair, sunglasses, and wearing cream colored sweater? That’s the photographer Zo Sun Hi. She does a lot of the more personal photo shoots with JKS. She’s amazing.

      • ms.zo sun hi did the prince paris shoots for the bazaar harper right? she is great! she can bring out the right emotions and life on the prince pics. We are expecting greater with this 2013 calendar. yes yes yes!

  2. Talk about invasion of personal space! lol!! I’m loving this eel and her relentless audacity!! Sukkie couldn’t shake her off his tail no matter how fast he tried to walk!! LOL!! Good job!! Because of her, we were able to catch a close look at our traveling Prince!!! ….sighing…

  3. I think Sukkie was trying to ‘run away’ from the cameras cos he probably thinks he looks like a mess after the long flight 🙂 But we don’t care Sukkie… we just wanna see you!!

  4. He looks unfriendly and annoying =(
    I think He’s tired because of his personal is space being invaded =(

  5. well still he said hi and he was probably tired because if he was in korea he would probably be sleeping since it was 4 am there and 9 in germany so the time difference is a lot to take


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