12 thoughts on “[pics] Japanese Magazine “Frau” October Issue Features JKS”

  1. OMG!! i miss seojoon so much.though i watched love rain like 20 times but still miss him..i think he changed his hair cut about seven times in the drama and he looked hansome in every one of them but for me i think he look especially hansome in ep 5 were seojoon first appeared.i realy think he was trying to impress yoona and i think he’s the one who fall for her he realy seemed in love in the last episodes.as for yoona i can’t realy say any thing cuz i can’t reed her face maybe because she is used to hansome men around her. but i realy think he should ask her out during the filming since he was looking for a girlfriend but now that they are apart i think they both forget about each other.ohh..too bad they would have made great couple.do you guys think she would accept if he asked??

  2. I miss Seojun and Love Rain also. Wish he could do more drama but with his schedule I know it is difficult for him. Lucky for us that he always undated his tweeter and there always news about him or else we would miss him so much.

  3. I wacth love rain every day because i can see your handsome face and I love it.Oppa when you play drama with park shin hye again.

  4. LOVE RAIN is my most favorite drama and where JKS is most handsome…i also watched it so many times but still gives me same feeling!

  5. Whenever I think of Love Rain, I still have this vivid image of JKS’ expressive eyes and face displaying a wide range of emotions ^^ and hearing that voice of his throughout the 20 episodes is just heavenly … ahh, so impatient waiting for Prince’s next movie / drama 🙂

  6. I like his acting and character in love rain…very different and challenging at the same time 🙂 it’s true his soooooo handsome on that drama..now i ask my hubby to download it for me in HD so i can enjoy watching it again and again 🙂 i wanna see him acting again and seeing him in love.
    yah JKS is to pretty for her. I like Gominam (park shinye) correct me if i’m wrong really having the hard time to remember their names..i only know one name JANG KEUN SUK 😉 love love !!!!!!!

    • Dunk know who’s the best for sukki???toooo Hanson for yoona,,,
      w park shin hye like siblings,,,n if the girlfriend of Jang Geun Suk is PSH,,,,,,,he’s much more pretty than his GF!!!
      JuZ imagine,,,Sukki dating Emma Watson,,,or Taylor Swift,, kkkkkkkkk

  7. nerissa are you serious yoona is the ideal women for 82 celebrity!!that’s without all the boys in korea and asia !! and i think sukkie lost a large amount of fan boys in the drama and it’s just we girls eel who left!! and she was voted as the most beautiful idol among all kpop girl band!! i’m saying this and i’m not realy a sone….

  8. I love jks in the love rain..he is very handsome,n multitalent..I aLso watching love rain again..I love jks in love rain..n his hair staylist is very good,very hansome.I think he is fall in love with yoona in real life..I hope that.n I think they become a best couple in the world..I miss jks in love rain..I hope n waiting your drama again..why jks not used hair staylist in drama love rain in real life?I love jks..till death


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