5 thoughts on “[vids] 2012-07-19 Jang Keun Suk Arrived at Haneda Aiport”

  1. OOOOmMMayGGaaaaaDdddd,,,
    Thanxxx Japan!!!!
    Hv a save trip,all da best for u,,,But” JEBal<3…..
    Don't tweet BECKYYYY! Cos I'm JEALOUS!!!

  2. The japanese eels go wild seeing dear Sukkie, despite the fact he was just in Japan last month, LOL !!

  3. I give a head bow to Japanese eels. They are so orderly and patient in waiting for him, even just to see few “seconds” of him. Awww….I wonder if Sukkie comes to my home town, I would be able to go see him at the airport.


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